Yo andy, can we get some heads up on some new projects?

I'm pretty sure that most everyone would disagree with you, on the grounds that Andy could take what they've got for the next album and make it great. Death Magnetic wasn't that bad, just heavily, heavily misguided and shittily produced. Andy at the helm would change that.

Different Strokes for different folks.
I personally thought Death Magnetic was one of the most awful albums of ALL genres released in 2008, not just metal.
I like Andy's work (or obviously I wouldn't be here), but I ain't about to kiss his butt and say everything he touches turns to gold either (I'm not accusing you of doing that though, mind you, just making a point that Andy is just a human like everyone else)
Endgame was pretty good, but a 10/10 album it was not.
That Despised Icon band (I can't remember Sneap's involvement with the album, but that album he was involved with anyway, "The Ills of Modern Man"), I really tried to like them, but apart from a good sounding production, it was some of the most awful shit I've heard and I feel like I wasted half an hour of my life listening to them.
Again, another one, that Caliban album Sneap was involved with, just sounded like every other "trendcore" band out there. Proof that good production doesn't save shitty song writing and a total lack of imagination.

But back to my main point? Is not the music written by Metallica?
Therein lies the problem. EVEN IF Sneap produced, Metallica can't write music worth a shit anymore.
He could lock them up in a room, force them to read 100 books on how to write songs and it would still come out shit.
Metallica just don't have "it" anymore, that spark, and it just amazes me people still actually have any faith at all in Metallica anymore to be able to put out an album that will actually be good.
Yes, I like their really old, 80s shit, but I came to my sense and realized it wasn't worth putting my faith in them anymore
I don't see why Andy should waste his time producing a band that lost their relevance years and years ago and can't write songs to save their lives when we have bands like Nevermore who actually know how to write good music (and don't have god awful guitar solos courtesy of Kirk)

Well, first off, the paycheck would be rather - ehm - significant. But besides that, it would also catapult him to a level in this business even Andy hasn't reached yet. Going eye-level with people like Wallace, Staub, CLA etc.

He'd definitely deserve it. The influence Andy had on contemporary metal productions can't be overstated but he also get's pigeonholed as "that Thrash Metal guy".

I also don't think Death Magnetic was that bad, song-wise. And if you listen to the Guitar Hero mixes, it's even listenable. :lol:
Metallica just don't have "it" anymore, that spark, and it just amazes me people still actually have any faith at all in Metallica anymore to be able to put out an album that will actually be good.

This summarizes my feelings nicely :cool:

Well, first off, the paycheck would be rather - ehm - significant. But besides that, it would also catapult him to a level in this business even Andy hasn't reached yet. Going eye-level with people like Wallace, Staub, CLA etc.

He'd definitely deserve it. The influence Andy had on contemporary metal productions can't be overstated but he also get's pigeonholed as "that Thrash Metal guy".

And what about the guys that get pigeonholed as "that pop r&b guy"? Do those try to make metal records? :grin:
Well, first off, the paycheck would be rather - ehm - significant. But besides that, it would also catapult him to a level in this business even Andy hasn't reached yet. Going eye-level with people like Wallace, Staub, CLA etc.

He'd definitely deserve it. The influence Andy had on contemporary metal productions can't be overstated but he also get's pigeonholed as "that Thrash Metal guy".

I also don't think Death Magnetic was that bad, song-wise. And if you listen to the Guitar Hero mixes, it's even listenable. :lol:

Weird. I never saw Sneap as that "Thrash metal" guy personally.
In fact my introduction to him was through Arch Enemy and Nevermore records, so to me he was someone who could work with a variety of metal styles.
In fact, I'm pretty sure he's done more records that have nothing to do with thrash than he has to do with thrash metal.

And well "I also don't think Death Magnetic was that bad, song-wise."
But to me, it's a question of, why work with "I don't think it was that bad" when he could be working with artists that bring forth excellence?
That Despised Icon band (I can't remember Sneap's involvement with the album, but that album he was involved with anyway, "The Ills of Modern Man"), I really tried to like them, but apart from a good sounding production, it was some of the most awful shit I've heard and I feel like I wasted half an hour of my life listening to them.
Again, another one, that Caliban album Sneap was involved with, just sounded like every other "trendcore" band out there. Proof that good production doesn't save shitty song writing and a total lack of imagination.

But back to my main point? Is not the music written by Metallica?
Therein lies the problem. EVEN IF Sneap produced, Metallica can't write music worth a shit anymore.
He could lock them up in a room, force them to read 100 books on how to write songs and it would still come out shit.
Metallica just don't have "it" anymore, that spark, and it just amazes me people still actually have any faith at all in Metallica anymore to be able to put out an album that will actually be good.
Yes, I like their really old, 80s shit, but I came to my sense and realized it wasn't worth putting my faith in them anymore

Do you not know the definition of 'production'? The producer has a direct say in the musical direction, songwriting, and structure that ends up getting recorded. In fact, that's the main job of a producer. I love how you cited two albums where Sneap only mixed, and had nothing to do with production.

This is going to be insane coming from me of all people, but with your diction as evidence, you could be the most negative person on this forum. :lol:

Weird. I never saw Sneap as that "Thrash metal" guy personally.
In fact my introduction to him was through Arch Enemy and Nevermore records, so to me he was someone who could work with a variety of metal styles.
In fact, I'm pretty sure he's done more records that have nothing to do with thrash than he has to do with thrash metal.

And with this you prove you know nothing about Sneap... he most definitely is a thrash metal guy at heart - read/watch/listen to any interview he's done. He played in Sabbat, for chrissake!
Weird. I never saw Sneap as that "Thrash metal" guy personally.
In fact my introduction to him was through Arch Enemy and Nevermore records, so to me he was someone who could work with a variety of metal styles.
In fact, I'm pretty sure he's done more records that have nothing to do with thrash than he has to do with thrash metal.

Ah, I knew that "Thrash Metal guy" would cause irritation... it was just my intention to express how Andy's being pigeonholed to a certain style. And many productions he's done have a "thrashy" vibe in common, that's where you can draw comparisons from full-blown thrash acts like Kreator, Exodus and Onslaught, to acts like Machine Head and also Arch Enemy and Nevermore.

He's never done an extreme Death Metal or Black Metal Album, also because he can't relate to these styles, but also not that many Classic Metal/Hard Rock bands.

And well "I also don't think Death Magnetic was that bad, song-wise."
But to me, it's a question of, why work with "I don't think it was that bad" when he could be working with artists that bring forth excellence?

Because producing Metallica would bring opportunities he hasn't had so far. Maybe that's exactly what it needs for him to finally getting to work with bands like Priest and Maiden, too.

If you say you'd turn down Metallica if you were in his position... sorry, I don't believe you. :lol:

Edit: Total agreement there, Jeff.
Different Strokes for different folks.
I personally thought Death Magnetic was one of the most awful albums of ALL genres released in 2008, not just metal.
I like Andy's work (or obviously I wouldn't be here), but I ain't about to kiss his butt and say everything he touches turns to gold either (I'm not accusing you of doing that though, mind you, just making a point that Andy is just a human like everyone else)
Endgame was pretty good, but a 10/10 album it was not.
That Despised Icon band (I can't remember Sneap's involvement with the album, but that album he was involved with anyway, "The Ills of Modern Man"), I really tried to like them, but apart from a good sounding production, it was some of the most awful shit I've heard and I feel like I wasted half an hour of my life listening to them.
Again, another one, that Caliban album Sneap was involved with, just sounded like every other "trendcore" band out there. Proof that good production doesn't save shitty song writing and a total lack of imagination.

But back to my main point? Is not the music written by Metallica?
Therein lies the problem. EVEN IF Sneap produced, Metallica can't write music worth a shit anymore.
He could lock them up in a room, force them to read 100 books on how to write songs and it would still come out shit.
Metallica just don't have "it" anymore, that spark, and it just amazes me people still actually have any faith at all in Metallica anymore to be able to put out an album that will actually be good.
Yes, I like their really old, 80s shit, but I came to my sense and realized it wasn't worth putting my faith in them anymore

haha ok dude, go kill yourself
haha ok dude, go kill yourself

hey chap, grown-ups are kinda like discussing and presenting arguments here so how about you go masturbate a little longer until you´ve grown enough pubes to actually do something for the conversation.

To add, I have to agree with Jeff and Slash, death magnetic wasn´t that bad at all songwriting-wise, not spectacular and they have definitely lost their spark from their 80´s albums but it is not bad, I rather enjoy it now a bit more after buying the mexico city DVD, their live energy is still awesome. And yes, Sneap could definitely get them to sound much better, and would be great for sneap to reach even higher levels. Arch Enemy and Nevermore are a level we could all only dream to be at, but Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest... that´s just a whole new level, that´s stadium band level for sneap´s sake