Yo My Enchant peeps

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How is everyone here. I'm Michael. I know Javier from the Fates Warning message board.

I'd just like to say, I can't wait for the new Enchant album... I'd have to say imo, their last album was high quality but sub par compared to the other albums.

The production and sound scaping were outstanding... as were the lyrics. However, the melodies weren't as catchy and grabbing as they have written before.

Here are some reviews of their albums I've written before


Enchant is a San Fransico based progressive rock outfit with an excellent sense of melody, fantastic lyrics, and some of the most emotional guitar solos I've ever heard courtesy of Douglas A. Ott. In many ways, their sound is on par with progressive legends such as Rush and Marillion. Hardcore metal heads need not apply.

A Blueprint of the World (1995)
Enchant's debut is utterly shocking. The melodies are superb and the arrangements are incredible. The songs themselves are lyrically uplifting, but never convaluted or overly difficult to interpret. From the beautiful melodies of "Night Time Sky" to the incredibly emotional "Acquaintance" to the awesome leads and chording of "Oasis", Enchant made a name for themselves as strong song writers on many different levels with this album. For Rush and Marillion fans, this is a must purchase!! A / 94

Wounded (1997)
Just when I thought Enchant couldn't possibly get any better, they reinvented themselves with a more emotional approach to writing songs and an even more mature melodic sense. Wounded has some of the best lyrics of any album in my collection, my favorite guitar solo ("Pure"), and arguably the most emotional song ever written in prog: "Hostile World." Many may disagree with me on this note, but "Hostile World" strikes a connection at a very personal level. I highly suggest you listen this album for yourself, however, as emotions are entirely subjective. A+ / 97

Time Lost (1997)
This album was originally meant to be released as an EP containing extras from the Wounded sessions, but Enchant couldn't stop at a simple EP; they decided to put a few cleaned up originals from before their debut as well. Many consider this to be Enchant's greatest work; the Wounded extras are amazing (especially "New Moon" and "Blind Sided"), but to these ears, Enchant's superior works are still on Wounded. The epic "Interact" has some of the best Enchant melodies ever written; I'm more than pleased to have this album in my collection. A- / 92

Break (199:cool:
Enchant manages to reinvent themselves yet again with Break! While I certainly respect their courage in doing this, the results aren't on par with their earlier works. Break features a heavier and perhaps more unique guitar driven sound with songs that keep getting better by track order for some reason. It opens with the forgetable "Break" and ends with "The Cross": an incredible song on many levels. Enchant's melodic sense may have improved yet again, but the lyrics aren't nearly as good. B+ / 88

Keep increasing it....

peace out,


"the melodies weren't as catchy and grabbing as they have written before..." are you serious michael? i think J9orD10 incorporates a lot of catchy melodies compared to their other albums, as much as i like Time Lost..., while some of the songs are catchy such as blindsided and especially interact, still they are too lengthy, it would certainly take more than a couple of listens to call this album for the most part very catchy for the first-time listener, the same can be said of Wounded, maybe except for below zero, most of the melodic songs on Wounded are very mellow and too ballad-oriented to be labeled as being catchy, in regards to ABOTW, as much as i love that album, the only melodies for the most part that would seem to grab the first-time listener's attention would be the many technical, musical sections found on ABOTW, i think the style in which the instruments all blend in together on this album especially the percussion all seem to lessen the potential for the songs to be called as being very catchy, with Break, while the songs are much shorter, still the melodies aren't as catchy as on J9orD10, the songs on Break
sound too uniform in structure, instead the keyboard arrangements featured on J90rD10 really stand out, producing
catchy melodies such as paint the picture, colors fade, elyse, shell of a man, and broken wave to name a few...by the way, the german import for the Break album features a bonus track called once a week...great hearing from you michael, but how did you know it was me? afterall there are zillions of Javiers' out there... :rollin:

I must put down my absolute appreciation and say that ENCHANT are the best rock band in the world...right there, side by side with MARILLION. Every album of ENCHANT is the best in its own right. I wouldn't dare compare the albums to one another, I just take them in as they are; thus the music magic is more obvious! Also, all the guys are exceptional musicians: Doug is no.1 guitar wiz, Paul is one helluva drummer, Benignus is just magical, Ted is THE VOICE and Ed is bassically the besst! I am glad the band is now in the full line-up so we can all expect more great music this Fall. And when the band comes to Europe this time, I surely won't miss a concerts!!!!!!! Thanx for all the wonderful music, guys. My further comments are on-line at


(check the INSIDEOUT link!!!)

Hi Michael-

I enjoyed your comments- nice to hear intelligent and well-thought out ideas. I have not heard BREAK or TIME LOST yet- however the first song I heard that hooked me instantly was BLIND SIDED. I am an odd case I guess because the first full album I digested was J9D10- then I moved on to the debut, and then WOUNDED. I think J9D10 is a polished, evolutionary, emotional, and their best work to date (WOUNDED a close second and forgive me I know I have not heard the other two.) Anyway- my 2 cents says that J9D10 fits perfectly into the evolution of the band and I am very excited for the next piece of work. Talk to everyone again soon.


If anything, IMO, "J9oD10" is a little less "proggy" than earlier stuff by the band. It feels more straightforward. And as far as melodies, to this day I nearly tear up everytime I hear "What To Say"...

to say that J9orD10 lacks melody is unjust, the songs on the album are so melodic compared to other albums overall, it's obvious that either michael didn't give J9orD10 a good, honest listen as he should have or thinks that the band should regress back to the wounded years period, of course, some will say D9orJ10 is not as progressive as say ABOTW(which i think would be meaningless to argue from either side!), but then again whoever said incorporating a progressive sound is a necessary precursor to melody?...