yo yo rebirth!!!!!...(and ledmag)


Aug 31, 2001
cental wisc
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I quit my job of 9yrs.....I'm off on my summer o' fun---following my dreams--to north-west montana (glacier park) for 5 months--it may be weeks before i can read your usual strange posting so i just wanted to say good-bye for now incase shit happens and i don't get here again......i still remember alot of the stuff ya told me when you were "the magister templi".....since i've been listening to my dreams i've had alot of good happen and avoided alot of bad situations.....take care ol' buddy.....read ya soon from the middle of nowhere!!!!!!:wave:.........this can also go for many others here to i guess...esp. ledmag who i first met here by getting into a big fight over the size of his farm!!!!
.........LATER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha, later dude,. Have a great time, and dont fall off teh moutains. IT would hurt really bad.
Glad i could be of service to you, giving youlaughs and stuff. Come back when you can, or when you wnat to. We should still be here. If not, email me.....just try ledmag13 with all the mail servers you can think of, till you get one trhew hahahahahha. IT shouldnt be hard. hahahha really it shouldnt.

ENJOY your self old sod. take care, and be carefull.

LIZ>>>ALL OF THEM THAT ARE MY FRIENDS>hahahaha......(they realize a week into the argument, thats its all fun adn games, and all they do is be friends hahahaha)

Actually, in my memory, buzz and were fighting cause he said my stuff was handed down for free, and i didnt work for it hahahah....plus, you know an argument must be finished, no matter how petty they may be.
I remember on the old discussion board that ledmag and I got off to a bad start *not helped by some fucks posting under his name and others posting under my old name* but after a bit of rationale straightforward talk, realized he was just an outspoken bloke with a generally good grasp on things, and a great taste for DOOM.

Buzz, have yourself one hell of a time, my man.
hopefully i'll have some kind of net access out there but we'll see--------------ledmag----jesus you have a good memory----------yer right that is kinda how it started didn't it....:grin:
Buzz>>>yeah, i retain most things. It helps with the arguments you know. But hey dude, you take care fo yourself, and have a great ass time.

NECRO>>>yeah, lots of imposters n those days. Within a week, i was everyone on the board, and 3/4 of teh board was me. Then Wendy stepped in for teh first and only time that i can remember (at least teh most serious she has ever stepped in). But hey, She is a good leader who knows when the shit on the fan is too sticky to blow off on its own, therefore slowing the rotation of the fan, thus not permitting enough fresh air to enter the forum. And thats not healthy.

On doom, yeah, i love it. ITs just too good. My fav i suppose when it really comes down to it.