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Caelestia said:
@mousewings: me, me! choose me! don't i stand a chance? :(
Sorry, but you're female... and I'm straight. You can choose one of the guys though. Except for Salmy, Tranquillian, and Erik. They're mine. :grin:

How about Gregors or Magsec? They're hott.
what's the difference between hot and hott? is there a corelation between a person's hotness level and the number of t's in the word itself?

and i'm not choosing anyone. i'll just remain heartbroken :)
Hott and hot are both the same thing. I just find the slang funny. I spell it whichever way I choose at the time. Why not choose Benny; he likes you. ;)
Go ahead. The little creep is also horny as hell. Even without privacy, he tried to climb on top of his girlfriend (also a budgie).

He's funny. Ingest his powers of being rampant as well. :p
JackhammerRape said:
I'm going to eat your clairvoyant budgie, and ingest its power
:lol: This is sooo off topic, but this reminds me of teh bad movie "Sleepwalker" by Spielberg, I think, were some silly monsters killed people to suck up their powers or something. Me and my friends had as a standard joke the months after we saw it that if we met someone who was talented in something, we should kill him/her and suck in their powers! :lol:
Child of time said:
but this reminds me of teh bad movie "Sleepwalker" by Spielberg

Do you mean Stephen Kings 'Sleepwalkers'. The one with the cat people, if you do, LOL!

I always remember the scene where the policeman gets skewered with the corn on the cob, and fell over in hilarity as i imagined the coroner's report : Cause of Death : Corn on the Cob.

That was one of the worst films i think i ever saw...
Jackhammer: Yeah, that one! (at least I knew it was a 'Stephen' involved :rolleyes: )
I remember a scene in the end of the movie where one of those cat people are dying so he and his mother is dancing in the livingroom. :guh: Hilarious!
dark jester said:
Pffft, you've seen movies with Vanilla Ice!

yes, but it wasn't as bad as that, and it was Ice CUBE. Word,yo.

Though i do remember seeing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, at the cinema, that had vanilla ice doing the 'Ninja Rap' at the end :lol:

child of time said:
I remember a scene in the end of the movie where one of those cat people are dying so he and his mother is dancing in the livingroom.

:lol: yep, absolutely soaked in blood, dancing to music of questionable taste.. sooo bad. Worse than shark attack, shark attack 2, and shark attack 3 put together, and that is saying a lot!