Mikael Stanne photos

Arch, really? :rolleyes: Always glad to help [especially if you helped me first]. Do you have some more of those wacky Mikael's photos like the one you've presented to me? :goggly:
Onyx said:
Villain, rahvin, can I edit that nametag myself, or it is too darn official? And how can I stick it to my shirt? We don't have special printers here in this hole of a place!
I don't quite get the special printers required -part (do you want to print it on your clothes? :err: ), but, to be perfectly honest, the whole nametag-thing is not official by any means, but rather just a joke. It started when I went to see DT for the first time in my life last summer and I wanted the band (and Tranquillian, my kind host - nowadays also the sacred keeper of my holy hat) to distinguish me from all those wannabe-villains out there. Thus, I made a nametag for myself and all the other forum-members who would appear at the show (in the end that was me, Tranquillian and Phyre).

However, as it felt quite funny to have such a nametag, I started to promote it here, in hopes that every Dark Tranquillity forum-member would wear one in DT-concerts. Some brave souls have already done so and Sunjammer made that wonderful new version of the nametag for all of us to use. Don't you think it would be great, if a dozen or so people with nametags could gather at a DT-concert somewhere far away and immediately recognize each other? I wouldn't be surprised if the band would appreciate it as well (they did find my nametag quite funny last summer).

I attached my nametag to my Lethe t-shirt (brag ;)) with a certain kind of needle-system (pin?), but everyone is free to attach them to their clothes by any means they want to. What comes to editing it, it's perfectly okay with me, but you should perhaps ask Sunjammer first. After all, it is his creation now.

-Villain (who likes to be labeled as Dark Tranquillity official UM-forum member)
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Villain, I'd better print the nametag to my shirt, but, as I said before, there is no such service here. So, I believe I'll just stick this piece of paper somewhere on me, so that you guys and the band members could see me and call me for a big mug of fresh beer. :grin: [nobody is forbidden to dream from time to time...]
Interviev with Mikael Stanne ([url said:
www.invader.de[/url])] (about performing in Japan) <skipped> ...There were girls outside our hotel room every day, crying and screaming. And that all night, just waiting for us waking up. We were hung over and waking up around twelve and they started screaming, giving us gifts, portraits, paintings and all that. In the streets they followed us, about 30 or 40 people, just following us everywhere, wherever we went.
<skipped> ...There were a hundred girls, small and tiny girls, who were crying, and when you hugged them they ran away crying.

...Girls... Load of girls... Screaming, crying, running around, hugging and squealing of ecstasy... Sobbing of joy... Sobbing?... Giving gifts and portraits?...

I feel so fucking average... Thought that I'd give Stanne something special [in appreciation for his wonderful contribution to the band's creations] if I draw some of the pictures of him, thought that he'll be pleasantly surprised, but... I feel that he's got tons of that pathetic fan artwork, hand-made gifts and other crappy stuff that he just puts in the corner of his store-room to get covered with dust, saying, as usual, "thanks, that was amazing" and stuff... Of course, everybody thinks that his present is special, and that the recepient will be surprised and especially grateful... Bah...
I feel so shitty being put in the same crap pile of fanatic groupie girls who write silly admiration letters to their faves and burst into tears when see them live, while the "faves" themselves are quite sceptical about such behaviour [if they are sane and sensible]...
But I never act like that! :( I am not a fanatic!
Who cares? :Smug: At least the fanatics are usually strong enough to reach their idols... And I naively hoped to receive a bit of attention by being myself. :Smug: Drowned in the flood of groupies...

Maybe I'm being biassed again, and things are not like they appear?...
Who knows...

[attempting to be logical]
Why do I bother? If they don't care for me, I don't care for them. I just listen to music, that's all...
But it is the people that stand behind the music... It is their emotions and thoughts that I can sense in these songs... How to perceive music without perceiving the composer? After all, I have to thank someone for doing this to me, for giving me these unforgettable moments... Or have I?
But it is so natural - to be wanting to thank those who did you good... Why should I get rid of this desire?
I want to shake these creative hands warmly and take a grateful gaze into these eyes... But the question is: do they need it, or only I need this?...
[attempt failed?]

I write this all here... Funny... I trust the deepest feelings to the people I hardly know... This means something. :err: Or it doesn't. :Smug: ... :zzz: ... :p

...What is always left for me is the questions unanswered...
@onyx: i understand the problem, yet i think if you see the other side it stands to reason that complete strangers, no matter how grateful and different from groupies/fanatics/whatever, can hardly get through to someone just like that. you yourself wouldn't just invite in and offer pastry and lemonade to any guy knocking at your door, especially when there's more than a dozen of them.

also, there is no way to tell the difference between "any guy" and "any other guy" and "exactly that one guy": it takes time befriending people, you don't just go up to them and tell em "hi, i'm your new friend". you wouldn't do that with common guys you meet at school/work, you certainly cannot do that with people who are offered sympathy and cheers more often than usual (due to their job).

i'm convinced we're not really talking stardom here. stardom is when you cannot technically approach someone except for autographs because there are implicit rules forbidding you to. nobody becomes eminem's pen-pal today: he's not reading through 5.000.000 letters, no matter their content. this is not because he's an asshole; i assure you there is no way anyone could read through all that mail and manage to do anything else in his life.
on the other hand, dark tranquillity will talk to you after/before a show. if they feel like it, they might have a beer and go beyond a simple "hi, you're welcome". they'll pose for pics and take your gifts and when they've got time they might answer your questions (email) every once in a while.
which is, basically, what everyone of us will do in the situation: noone would just get close to everybody who approached him.

Onyx said:
...I feel so shitty being put in the same crap pile of fanatic groupie girls who write silly admiration letters to their faves and burst into tears when see them live, while the "faves" themselves are quite sceptical about such behaviour [if they are sane and sensible]...
But I never act like that! :( I am not a fanatic!

and now tell me, what makes you different fromm all these insane "groupie girls". aren't you trying just the same with different methods? honestly i've never read crap like this in a long time. what makes you any better than the poor japanese girls? what makes your silly pictures any better than the "silly" admiration letters from them? have you read them? how can you judge?
you are whining around on this very forum because of the useless ill-placed teen love for some band member. if you weren't into metal, you'd probably have n'sync posters all over the place and write your silly comments to some teen magazine or whatever. too bad you didn't realize so far that nobody gives a flying fuck.
come on, get over it, realize there is a difference between liking and loving. take a "long grateful gaze" in your own eyes in the mirror and say: "ok now, onyx, cut the bullshit and behave."
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@VultureCulture: I don't think Onyx is so much whining as she is just posting her thoughts to see what others think about it. Then again, one could say that you are posting your own thoughts as well. But I don't think that tearing appart someone's thoughts like that leads to anything productive, since it is bound to put the other person on the defensive.
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rahvin, you got that quite right. Thanks for being reasonable.

Ormir, I have no idea what "de-caf" means.

VultureCulture, I expected that from somebody. So I'm not surprised. There were several people whose opinion I wanted to hear, so I didn't post PM's, but wrote here instead [it's my own thread, after all]. You weren't asked to read all of my "crap", so keep your negative emotions to yourself.
Yet there was some interesting points in your comments. As for "long gazes", the advice wasn't necessary: I often try to set up all the different feelings and thoughts in my head, put them in order and dispose of the unneeded ones. This was the reason of posting my message here - sometimes I need help from other people, because together we can see more than if I were alone. Isn't it natural?
As for "silly admiration letters": yes, I didn't read them, but something tells me that if a person bursts into tears when sees the object of his admiration, then there's definitely something wrong... And, perhaps, there's something also wrong with the letters, in this case, because a letter is written without seeing the person to whom the letter is dedicated, that is why some illusions may take place, especially if the letter's author is as emotional as seen in that article. Also, when speaking about those letters, I remembered my first one. While I was writing it, I tried to be as objective as possible, but something still went wrong in my head. Now I can clearly see that, but then I couldn't.
And the last: I clearly know the difference between Love and liking. I have a person whom I love deeply, and I never confuse this feeling for something else. I don't love anyone except for that person, this I know for sure. But I simply needed to discover the origin of that strange admiration which arose and died in me some time ago... And not to make the same mistakes.
Onyx said:
You weren't asked to read all of my "crap", so keep your negative emotions to yourself.
just a quick comment though this wasn't addressed to me. the quick comment is: no.
more specifically: you post here and those who want to read it are entitled to and are entitled to comment in any way they like it even if it's offensive - we draw a line when it comes to serious threats, repeated and gratuitous triviality, not much more - ; needless to say, the same goes for you. i'm telling you all of this just so you can be prepared: "negative emotions" flying your way can happen any day without so much as a blink of an eye from anybody.

edit: oh, and de-caf means without caffeine.

rahvin, perhaps that was another rule of the forum socializing that I succesfully missed... Anyway, all I wanted is to ask, not to command. If that failed, oh well... Nevermind then.

rahvin said:
i'm telling you all of this just so you can be prepared
I was. And I am.
Thanks for taking care of me. :grin:

I don't drink coffee.
Onyx said:
rahvin, perhaps that was another rule of the forum socializing that I succesfully missed... Anyway, all I wanted is to ask, not to command. If that failed, oh well... Nevermind then.

that's not a problem, the one you've addressed your comment will likely reply according to his own judgement. i just meant to say that shit may fly high without this meaning any violation of forum rules took place. regardless, of course, of the direction it flies to and the place it lands on.

Thanatos, hehe... Or maybe that was the only useful thing for you.
For some reason I think that the line "Thanatos is just really nice" is truly ironic... :rolleyes: