Mikael Stanne photos

RealHazard, what did you write? Some of your "official idiot" stuff again? :grin:

Villain, I've heard that the guys are rather friendly, but I just don't have the opportunity to attend their concerts - I live too far away and I have strictly limited travelling possibilities. It is hardly possible for me to catch Mikael after the show, even if I arrive there, because I don't believe that I can make my way past the crowd - fans and groipies screaming to sign autographs and good friends of the band asking to come with them and have a beer...

rahvin, how often do the band members write e-mails?

Arch, that is not what I want... The things I want to say require a quiet and solitare place somewhere in reality. But who cares what I have to say? No one, except for myself. They go create, set my heart ablaze with the music and the lyrics, and I have to deal with it myself - to burn out or to fade away. All alone. Nobody cares. :ill::p
Onyx said:
Villain, I've heard that the guys are rather friendly, but I just don't have the opportunity to attend their concerts - I live too far away and I have strictly limited travelling possibilities. It is hardly possible for me to catch Mikael after the show, even if I arrive there, because I don't believe that I can make my way past the crowd - fans and groipies screaming to sign autographs and good friends of the band asking to come with them and have a beer... I am a short and feeble girl - I doubt that they'll notice me. :erk:

Can't help you with the getting-into-concerts part (as it appears I can't get into those myself... :bah: ), BUT, now that Mikael has personally thanked you in his birthday-thread, the only thing you need to do when you finally get into a DT-concert, is to wear your Dark Tranquillity Official Forum Member -nametag (with your nickname on it, naturally) and Mikael will come screaming to you to offer you a beer and to chat with you! It's true, I'm not kidding here!

So, get your name-tag now (from where? I have forgotten - it possibly reads somewhere) and start making those "why DT are not playing in my country" -threads. :hypno: Or then just wait 'til they appear in your home-town. :grin:

-Villain (still a shitload of schoolwork to do for tomorrow - it's going to be a long night... why do I always leave everything at the last minute?)
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Wrong with what? :confused:
I meant: Just write the 888 e-mail.. And you'll see. I meant back then. But I've noticed by now you did get in touch with em, so thats no prob..
If all the fans are in front, so will you then, won't you? .....ohhh.. like BIG halls.. concert halls, I mean.. Hmm. Listen to Villain, he knows it :p

@Villain: Now that's a good question..
:'( Always have the same thing myself
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I have only mailed a bit with Niklas, I prefer a more direct form of communication. Don't assume you know my actions, dear Ville :).

Villain said:
If they did that, they would have a million other people in addition to Rahvin, Tranquillian and myself sending them email every week (not that I really have had time to do that for quite some time).
Onyx said:
Villain, where the heck can I get those name-tags?

I believe there's a link at the "Read this before posting" -thread (the only "Important" thread at the moment), from where you should be able to download it. Or then you can probably PM Sunjammer, who made the latest version (which is far superior to the old one made by me) of the nametag.

-Villain (np: Amon Amarth - The Crusher - "A Fury Divine")
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Arch said:
Once in a blue moon, the band has online chats with fans and other people... there, you could ask the questions your heart desires. :)

@onyx: I had opportunity to ask 2 questions.. first was about drinking (i was trying to make the atmosphere more lighter) and second about visiting UM.. Mikael lied, I´m sure. :p
Villain, I don't think I'll need a nametag... I hate to be labeled. :(

RealHazard, tell me please, what did you ask and what did he reply, and how/where this conversation took place?
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Thanks, RealHazard.
That online chat brought some funny memories. :D
Villain, rahvin, can I edit that nametag myself, or it is too darn official? And how can I stick it to my shirt? We don't have special printers here in this hole of a place!