you ever think finding new music is a 24 hour a day job?

Jun 18, 2008
i love music a lot and am the type of person when i hear something i like i have to get everything by that artist and when i REALLY like something i cant really picture my life without it. i can spend hours a day researching/reading up on band biographies and their changing musical stylings etc.. i make lists of bands to check out that i have to find on my own or through reccomendations from the board that takes HOURS and HOURS and i still feel like there is so many more bands and genres i havent tapped into because i dig everything such as punk,metal,ska,hardcore,instrumental,indie,post rock,reggae, jazzy shit...etc. growing up i never really had friends that could tell me about new music and as time wore on i became THAT friend to others. so before recently i was the one researching the shit out of music by scanning the net instead of asking for reccomendations. all in all i can say its a tough job but i wouldnt be half of who i am without my army of bands so it was worth it. anyone else have any thoughts...?
i know lots of people who listen to one or two bands and clearly absolutely love that stuff but have absolutely no motivation to find any other bands they might love. i don't understand these people.
Yeah I spend far too much time hunting for new music. It's gotten to the stage lately where I've forced myself to back off a bit because my collection is ridiculously large and really good albums are being listened to a couple of times and then lost amongst the newer stuff.

And as far as being THAT guy goes, I know what you mean, but one of my biggest joys in life is putting people onto new music. I fucking love it when a friend will call me up just to let me know how much they're loving such and such album. I also dj on the radio occasionally which is great fun in that regard as well.
I don't think so, the new bands will come, I listen to XM Liquid Metal Radio in between commercials and in my room and that lets me know the latest Metal releases on major labels and new bands on the rise, as well as lesser known bands on the Mercury Show(which has exclusively Death, Black, Grind, and Gore Metal). I don't do much research at all concerning finding bands online, Black Metal Radio(when I was on High Speed Internet) was probably my number 1 online resource for new bands.
i really love introducing people to new music and also really get a feeling of satisfaction knowing that my friends are getting into real good shit
I try getting my friends into stuff I listen to, but they usually aren't motivated to find new music, so I just end up making them a CD with a bunch of shit. Then later on they're all "blahhh why didn't I listen to you?".
Anyways, browsing for new music and listening to music I already have is probably one of the only things I do lol. I spend so much time doing it, but it's more satisfying than other past times to me.
I enjoy finding new music, and I spend a great deal of my time browsing metal blogs and warez forums for CD downloads. Fortunately, metal is really easy to find on the internet, so I always have a que of at least a few tabs open at any given time waiting for the next download session to become available. If classical and world music were equally easy to find, I would probably go crazy with the amount in my download que versus the amount of time that I have to actually download and listen to it all. In fact, I have that problem already.
I fucking love it when a friend will call me up just to let me know how much they're loving such and such album.
It's a good feeling when that happens.

I've been a music junkie as far back as I can remember. I used to tape videos off of Headbangers Ball when Riki Rachtman was still around. I'm an old fuck for sure, but my neverending hunt for music keeps me occupied. It never gets old.
Finding new music on your own is time consuming but lots of fun. Personaly, I find myself agreeing with what Satantoenail said but there are other issues at play also eg the lack of spare time to actually to listen to full albums.
Yeah, I spend ages trawling through music forums & Amazon.

I also get quite panicky when I start overplaying my favourite songs. It means I've got nothing new on my ipod.

There needs to be a decent metal radio station out there.
No. I don't spend enough time really getting into whatever music I do buy as it is. I would love to have more money and more time. I do listen to stuff I like quite a bit, but I don't play music for more than an hour or two a day, and most people here do a lot more than that.
I don't really go out of my way to find new bands anymore, but I remember when I did, and you're right its VERY time consuming. Having so much to listen to is annoying, but its also great cause you've got so much to discover.
I got into metal in 2005, so I feel so late to the game, knowing I have decades of metal to discover. I have enough trouble keeping up with the current year's releases, that I only buy the classics from previous years. There's so much in between I'd probably enjoy, but that's third in my priorities at this point. If I find a band I really like, I'll task myself to getting their whole discography, but that takes a lot of time. Take Nokturnal Mortum for example. I love this band, and despite getting into them last autumn, I still only have two of their albums.

So not only am I screwed by late entry, but I'm disadvantaged by my own principles. I never download illegally. Luckily most bands have Myspaces with sample tracks, and I almost always go by those.

Now that I'm a reviewer for The Metal Observer, however, I'll have access to the year's latest music for free, legally, so some of the pressure is lifted to keep up to date, and I can put more concentration on acquiring music from prior years.
I am very slow at absorbing new music and I only download when an album is impossible to find, so I do not spend a whole lot of time finding new music. Occasionally I will go through myspace looking for new bands, and there are a few people on this forum who give good recommendations but that's about it.
I find that the best form of musical enjoyment comes from listening to albums over looong periods of time, getting to know the work so intimately, you might as well have written it yourself. Of course, that's a double-edged sword, as you might invest huge amounts of time in one album that you initially like, only to find that it is, ultimately, unrewarding.

But, in the end, no, I don't spend hours and hours searching through every little piece of underground metal I come across. I would rather have ten albums that I love, than a hundred I merely enjoy.
When I get a new album, I will listen to it for days, without stopping. I will keep listening to it over and over again. Then eventually, I will get back. It's hard for me to buy stuff, because I don't have a job. But when ever I get money, I tend to buy a cd. I wish my discovery was what I wanted it to be. It's quite small. But I love finding new bands, downloading one song, get into it, then buy the whole album.
I heard brownmetalman! I do exactly the same thing. I only know two people that are passionate about music like me as well as some e-buds that I IM ocassionally. Besides that I only have recommendations from forums to go off, so I do a lot of reading & online research to find out what I will be checking out next.

The only thing that happens a lot is a lot of people might go ape shit over a certain artist, then you waste a ton of your time trying to get into them only to either move on to a different new artist who might equally suck or go back to old stuff you love & are familiar with. There are plenty of times I find hidden gems though, & there are also genre standards for every genre that I have yet to delve into.

You see, I listen to many genres. There are people here who almost exclusively listen to certain genres, be it black metal or whatever. It's very hard for me to get into everything I listen to & absorb it all to the point where I can hum most of an album. Therefore I feel like I am NEVER going to get around to everything I want to listen to, & I would be right.
Yeah I spend far too much time hunting for new music. It's gotten to the stage lately where I've forced myself to back off a bit because my collection is ridiculously large and really good albums are being listened to a couple of times and then lost amongst the newer stuff.

I feel ya there. Except that for me, I slowed down on checking out new stuff mostly out of necessity due to various other obligations.

Even though I've always been fairly good at pacing myself with purchases and only buying one or two things at a time, the abundance of free music online means that the size of my collection, while still quite large, grossly understates how much music I've actually listened to over the years. I end up in the same problem as you with too much music and too little time to adequately absorb, and the more you buy/download, the worse it gets. Kinda makes me miss the days before rampant downloading where I'd buy one or two albums every few months or so and just listen to those for a good while until the next purchase. But I won't go back to that at this point.

It also doesn't help that there's always way more good free music at my disposal than there is money to purchase it. I'm so backlogged in music I've liked for years but never got around to buying that I could probably spend at least a year not listening to anything new and just catching up with getting those. Hell, there are whole GENRES (mostly non-metal) that I would need to catch up on, so probably longer than that. These days I usually only get one new thing every month or two and absorb that while going back to other things in my collection that never really got much game time.