You have bad taste in music!

ehh, he seems kinda lame, doesnt really make good arguments. Also, never offers what 'good music' is. I just think its funny how riled up the crowd gets, but you could rile up the crowd that way at any concert.
Jean-Pierre said:
Not really. That guy's a douchebag and it would be funny to watch him get beaten to a pulp....

Ironic that you often bash numerous bands on this board, and call fans of a certain bands "shitheads"
J Mann said:
Ironic that you often bash numerous bands on this board, and call fans of a certain bands "shitheads"

Do I go to concerts for the shitty bands you listen to and sit there with a megafone acting like a queer? No.

In fact, I once went to an In Flames concert with some friends, it was one of the worst shows I've ever seen, and that Jesper Stromblad is an egotistical douchebag to higher magnitudes than Dave Mustaine.
Jean-Pierre said:
Do I go to concerts for the shitty bands you listen to and sit there with a megafone acting like a queer? No.

and that Jesper Stromblad is an egotistical douchebag to higher magnitudes than Dave Mustaine.

Seemed like a cool dude when he gave me 5 minutes of his time outside of the venue before their show. Maybe he just acts like an egotistical douchebag when approached by one? :Smug:
Hobo11 said:
ehh, he seems kinda lame, doesnt really make good arguments. Also, never offers what 'good music' is. I just think its funny how riled up the crowd gets, but you could rile up the crowd that way at any concert.

I agree, it actually seems like he's capable of making good arguments, but he frequently just stops short of it for some reason. I think it was intentional, though. It seems the purpose of these videos is just to show how stupid fans of these bands are.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Seemed like a cool dude when he gave me 5 minutes of his time outside of the venue before their show. Maybe he just acts like an egotistical douchebag when approached by one? :Smug:

But you're a cunt though :erk:
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Well you are what you eat.

Anyhow... What do you think would happen if he attempted this outside of a slayer gig? I'd love to see the results!

It would be funnier if it were a Slipknot show. Some faggoth fatass would probably bound towards the guys soapbox and devour him, along with the box.

Probably this guy: