You know you are too obssessed with Symphony X when..

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
You know you are just way too obssessed or overtaken with Symphony Z when you...

1. Order all of the SyX catalog from a CD shop (even tho you allready have them) so when it comes, say 'I don't want them anymore" and then the shop puts them on the shelf. And you then feel all warm and fuzzy inside coz you've helped promote SyX music in a shop!

2. create "playlists" on RealOne player of what would be a perfect setlist.

3. Think of things to say if you ever meet a guy in the street who's cousin's friends dad has met someone who met Russell Allan's brother.o_O

4. Compile songs in different orders than they are in the album, so you feel the album has "a different underlaying subconcious value to it now"

5. Get aroused when you hear Russ go "EEEENNDLEESS TIMELEEES FAAAACELESSS TERRROOORR!!!!" in Eyes of Medusa. And you are completly hetrosexual!!!:ill: (not that i do, of course:D)

Your turn!
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When you go to the forum 12 times a day and sit and stare at the screen and refresh it every 2 minutes to see if someone else has posted until your brain is so fried you have to peel yourself from your chair and walk around until you come back to reality. o_O :zombie:

Oh wait that's forum obsession....hehehehe know you're obsessed with Russell when you have twenty some pictures of him surrounding you every day...
When you see a symphony x album at a cd store, your heart skipps a beat (even though you already have it) and feel the urge to buy it JUST because it's there... know you are totally obsessed when you start a thread like this (shreddy) and get so excited you accidentally type Symphony Z!
On a recent trip to the east coast, I stumbled upon several record shops that had Symphony X CD's (they even had a little white card). For some reason I felt compelled to rank the CD's in order of my favorites. I would also move the little Symphony X card and all the CD's to the front row, simply because they were usually being overshadowed by that crappy System Of A Down band.
Needled24Seven said:
dude... ive seen you post there plenty and its the exact same style and everything, with the numbers an all. but its all gravy, so rock on shreddy!:D

Yeah, i've posted there a few times, but only in the threads i make there. I havent seen it in the opeth one, but as you said, who cares! Lets do it here in the Symphony 'Z' forum :p

Ok, we are up to...
15. When you read reveiws saying "Blind gaurdian and Strato are so much better that SyX, yet there fans have their head up ther arse!" - you get really pissed off, even tho you realise he's a hipocrite and all,
16: when you shell out 350 bucks on KICKIN RAD custom Symphony X artwork for your guitar.

I just got mine back and ohhhh man, it looks sooooo cool. I have the two Masks to the left of my volume, tone knobs. Fat "Symphony X" lettering runs across the top (like Romeo) and flames run alon the ENTIRE GUITAR!!!! I just need to remove my Floyd Rose to get the final clear coating on................ Im NOT looking foward to that.

I hope to take some nice pictures and sent them to the page cause im am SO DAMN HAPPY about how cool my guitar looks.
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When you develop rigid, inflexible attitudes about the bands musicians, making them out to be the second coming of christ, and violently attacking anyone who does not agree.
you know you're too obsessed with symphony x when..

17. You name your first/next child Rusell Allen Junior (nah havent done that.. yet)

18. You dedicate an entire symphony x page on your website (guilty)

19. Someone says they dont like Russell's voice and you want to stab him in the throat rip his tongue out and shove it up his ass (guilty)

20. You break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend because they dont like Symphony X (as if you could be with someone who doesnt appreciate raw musical genius like that) (and guilty)

EDIT: oops didnt know we were numbering them.. fixed it
...when the first 4 slots in your visor/CD holder in your car are filled with The Odyssey, V, TDWOT, Twilight in Olympus, and Damnation Game and s/t are in the CD holder on the door. And nothing but SyX ever plays in your car except when the wife is there or the kid asks for something else (even though she likes syX and loves The Accolade II).