You know you are too obssessed with Symphony X when..

scanner313 said:
Hey Metal Chick:

From all I've seen from you I would think your obsession would make you want the kids last name to legally be "Allen"! :)

:lol: Actually I was thinking that Allen would make a great middle name. If my son's last name was to be Allen, I would have to change mine to that too........hmmmm not a bad idea ;)
The Metal Chick said:
:lol: Actually I was thinking that Allen would make a great middle name. If my son's last name was to be Allen, I would have to change mine to that too........hmmmm not a bad idea ;)

Actually, only the father's last name needs to be Allen. (wink wink) ;^)
When you've lost your board administrative abilities because you've banned a member who sayed that Russ was only an average power metal singer...
when you make 300 flyers saying "symphony x in peru, this saturday" and go everywhere giving them to every person you see just because you know they'll never tour here and instead...dream and dream about it....
You need to take a picture of the Wicked-based painting. I bet it's awesome!

My friend will probably let me put it up on her site...I'll let you guys know if I do. :)

Continuing with the topic...You know you're obsessed when you can't go a single day without listening to at least one of their cds.