You may not agree...

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Ditto! My friends call me a music snob. I was thinking of getting some shirts made up with MUSIC SNOB in big bold letters. It really fits me!

I love this! I would say I'm mostly a "Metal-Snob" though, as I'm not quite as finicky with other music(though I tend to listen to metal about 90% of the time so I guess that isn't important.) I have been this way since the mid
1980's. You name a metal 'Icon' and I will tell you they are overrated! It's like a sickness - guess I love an underdog. Or is that underground?:zombie:
I am always perplexed by poeple saying LoG is not metal or metalcore. I beleive of all the newer bands LoG are by FAR the best. Ashes was a killer album. It had some great riffs and Chris Alder is quite a good drummer. Their live performances are amazing. The energy levels are through the roof. I love the old school style as much as anyone but I think alot of the old timers so to speak, jump the gun on critisizing the new guys in town.
Well, by all the different opinions I had to have a listen at the new LoG album completely and I'll mildly revise my opinion. I don't really gonna like them, especially vocals are a bit to screatching for my taste. Some songs indeed can be labeled better as Thrash-Crossover than anything doing with nu-metal. Unfortunatly they choose bad (nu-metal sounding) songs on their website for promotion. Like for example the "redneck" video , about the worst song on the album in my opinion, that sounds too close to Mallcore!! Songs like "Forgotten" are much more (old) Crossover style. Not bad but vocals are pretty weak imho...I think Exodus did about the same thing with "Shovel Headed Killing Machine" but does it 10 times better..
well sixx i actually like the fact a big fan from around 87 on when i purchased a copy of more fun than an open casket go figure!
Evil? said:
I love the old school style as much as anyone but I think alot of the old timers so to speak, jump the gun on critisizing the new guys in town.

Well, you may be right here, certainly in some cases. It's a tough call though. I do try to remain open minded, not expecting metal to sound some particular way. I mean, it has to be allowed to grow and mutate to be a viable form of music. Then again, there are some branches that go so far out as to really just be qualified as another form of music altogether, which is certainly fine. There are a lot of newer bands that have caught my ear for sure, and not just ones who have an old-school flavor. In particular of late, Sahg is great I think (though that band is very old school-y). Also, bands like Opeth and, say, ISIS have come along and really knocked me on my heels with what they are doing with heavy music. I think, at the end of the day, the mallcore, nu-metal, or whatever one might call it, is just not my taste. And, like Carnut, I think it's primarily the vocals. Funny that, because I don't mind a good death/black metal vocal. But there is this kind of angry-football-player-almost-pseudo-rap-quality I hear in the "nu" stuff that just plain annoys me.
If nothing else, I guess I have to admit that I like my metal with a good dose of dragons n' Satan or some fantastic equivalent. Not exclusively, but there ya go.
Metal has always been in danger of spilling over into professional wrestling territory so far as quality of intellect goes....but the best bands walk that line without crossing it. For my money, and I guess I can't qualify this very well, the majority of the "nu" bands run over that line and far beyond. No offense to professional wrestling fans intended.....and I realize that's an abstract point....but somewhere in there is what I'm trying to get at here.

Of course, at the end of the day, all music is legitimate to someone, and nothing is inherently silly or bad if someone loves it. It's a big world, and there's lots of room for all of us. I understand why people like pretty much all the music that I don't like.....and I don't think they are stupid for it....or that they should "know," it's bad like I do. It's all perspective. One's man floor is another man's ceiling. One man's trash is another man's treasure. All that rot.....
ElectricWiz said:
Metal has always been in danger of spilling over into professional wrestling territory so far as quality of intellect goes..
haha, great quote! So true..
Evil? said:
I love the old school style as much as anyone but I think alot of the old timers so to speak, jump the gun on critisizing the new guys in town.

ME, ME, ME! :hotjump:

And for the record I have nothing against the new guys in town: Wolf, Sabaton, Made Of Iron, Force of Evil, Doomshine, Pharaoh, Superchrist and more. But when the new kids arrive...well the block is already taken :heh:
carnut said:
Well, by all the different opinions I had to have a listen at the new LoG album completely and I'll mildly revise my opinion. I don't really gonna like them, especially vocals are a bit to screatching for my taste. Some songs indeed can be labeled better as Thrash-Crossover than anything doing with nu-metal. Unfortunatly they choose bad (nu-metal sounding) songs on their website for promotion. Like for example the "redneck" video , about the worst song on the album in my opinion, that sounds too close to Mallcore!! Songs like "Forgotten" are much more (old) Crossover style. Not bad but vocals are pretty weak imho...I think Exodus did about the same thing with "Shovel Headed Killing Machine" but does it 10 times better..

Redneck is sooo horrible. It makes me cringe...and i'm a fan of the band.
Well, LoG was on sirius radio tongiht doing an interview and stuff, and they played most of the new record if not all of it...I don't htink I wll be purchasing this one right away,maybe later. I was not impressed and I thought the songs lacked the power that Ashes had. Then again I did not like Ashes the first few times I listened to it so who knows. The songs were all quite dissapointing.
Evil? said:
Well, LoG was on sirius radio tongiht doing an interview and stuff, and they played most of the new record if not all of it...I don't htink I wll be purchasing this one right away,maybe later. I was not impressed and I thought the songs lacked the power that Ashes had. Then again I did not like Ashes the first few times I listened to it so who knows. The songs were all quite dissapointing.

I missed the interview on Sirius, but I will be listening and burning it on Saturday when it re-airs...
Sacrament will grow on you, I have been listening to it since I got my copy FED-EX'd to me Monday afternoon...
sixxswine said:
I missed the interview on Sirius, but I will be listening and burning it on Saturday when it re-airs...
Sacrament will grow on you, I have been listening to it since I got my copy FED-EX'd to me Monday afternoon...

Ya, I wouldn't doubt if it did grow on me, because their other stuff did.
ElectricWiz said:
Of course, at the end of the day, all music is legitimate to someone, and nothing is inherently silly or bad if someone loves it. It's a big world, and there's lots of room for all of us. I understand why people like pretty much all the music that I don't like.....and I don't think they are stupid for it....or that they should "know," it's bad like I do. It's all perspective. One's man floor is another man's ceiling. One man's trash is another man's treasure. All that rot.....

Very well put. I played a LoG video from their website and it sounded great until the singer opened his mouth. I have not made it to the point where I can deal with those types of vocals on a constant basis (a growl here or there I can handle.) If someone else likes them that is great and I understand completely, but it is not for me.

Fangface said:
I might be the only one here who's never heard a single note of LoG :D

Neither do I actually, like many of the survivors ot TMG boot camp ;) we made an oath to despise mallcore to the end :kickass:

NP: Praying Mantis - 'Lovers To The Grave'
Sixx, you were 100% correct. I picked up Sacrament yesterday and have listened to it a few times, and it is definatly growing on me. I have even grown to enjoy Redneck which I initially thought was horrible.