You "wtf" you lose

The oversharer woman down the hall (I know her ex-husband shot himself and the results of her most recent mammogram) who complains about "illegals" has reached a new high, saying my boss and I look like bumblebee twins and that his eyes are bigger than mine.

Skip to 2:00

White people :erk:
His wife of 25 years... :rolleyes:
Now that's true love: -Hon, I'm off to beat some homos.
-Yes dear, don't be late for dinner...

And that gif - what tha hell was that all about?
Pushing people in front of oncoming trains is probably more common than you'd think. I've seen more gifs of that than I wish I did.
Pushing people in front of oncoming trains is probably more common than you'd think. I've seen more gifs of that than I wish I did.

Looked more personal than the "average" pushing people in front of oncoming trains shit. More like wrestling person in front of train.
Fucking sick.


Murder... murder... murder... snuggle.