Your 3 favorite Metal productions of all time!

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
1. This Godless Endeavor (Nevermore)
2. Doomsday Machine (Arch Enemy)
3. The Atrocity Exhibition (Exodus)

After listening to this 3 records yesterday (with a fine brew), the only thing I can do is...praising Andy! Thank you for letting Metal sound like this :worship: It is highly appreciated what you have done and still do for our beloved Metal scene :kickass:
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor.
Behemoth - The Apostasy (I think Marcus and I are the only ones on this same wave length :lol: ).
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis.

That is right could change tomorrow.

Other contenders would be the usual mix of DHIADW, the Black Album, Those Whom the Gods Detest, Edge of Sanity's 'Infernal', Vader's 'The Art of War', etc.

I always like these threads. :)
Nevermore - Dead Heart In a Dead World
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis
Meshuggah - Chaosphere

I really like Decapitated's OH, and Dead Heart In a Dead World is the most listened to album in my collection at the moment :D there's so many more albums I could put in this list though!
1. 'Shuggah - Chaosphere
2. Tool - Lateralus
3. Gojira - The Way Of All Flesh
Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side
Souldrainer - Reborn
Hail of Bullets - ...Of Frost And War

picking only 3 is really hard
Fates Warning - Parallels
Riot - Restless Breed
Telsa - Mechanical Resonance
Mnemic - Mechanical Spin Phenomena
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama
Meshuggah - Catch 33

Runner up: Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance