Your best / favorite mix

Really? I always thought of that album as the most unimpressive, generic, and boring albums (tonally) that joeys done since old Prada. But one good thing came from it, the cymbal pack is awesome and well worth the purchase.

About your upload, if that's the premierproductions deathcore mix, I'm stoked to listen to it later in my car!

I particularly liked the sound, though I think Plea's new mix is also great and fitting for their music, but to each their own. Dreaming Heavy is such a good cymbal pack. And yes, it is the deathcore mix. I haven't tested the mix out on any other sets of speakers, so listen away.
Ah I was under the impression that Joey did everything as usual on that album. And while most of the albums I listen to use ampsims, I can still dig a real amp when mic'd/mixed correctly. Not sayin Hood did anything "incorrect", I just didn't like whatever he did. But yes, to each his own. Btw I see you're from TN, whereabouts? I was born in Nashville :)

Oroinvictus, that ride bell should come down a few DBs. It was almost distracting.