Your favorite mix regarding bass frequencies?

"The Audio Injected Soul" by Mnemic has a really nice & fat low-end. "Eternium" by Diablo also deserves a mention...well, anything by Diablo really. They always have kick-ass productions.

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Just checked it out, on youtube but still...

I had never heard it before, pretty cool. Not what I expected though, I was expecting something really out of the ordinary but to my surprise, this was pretty ordinary. It sounds very natural. Would you mind explaining why you choose this one as your favorite when it comes to low end? (I'm too biased by instant fatness right now, to understand on my own... haha :))


and why don't you check it from Spotify?
Another album I would add to the list is "Animosity" by Sevendust. The bass just sits perfectly with the kick drum and adds an ultra fat but well-rounded bottom end.

Not the best quality, but:
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What do you think about the bass in songs like Mnemic or Heaven Shall Burn? I mean, there are extreme low-end basses, but also huge and fat kicks..... Which is for you the lower in the spectrum? Bass or Kick (in these productions)?