Your Cob collection

BodomiC said:
One question Zarok... Where have u bought the cob cup? Must have one... And that zippo would be nice to :)
Both were available at Nuclear Blast in 1998 and 2000. And they even sold the necklace there for a cheap price. But these rare items are completely sold out.

And thanks to everybody for the nice words.
hmm....kill? dunno, man...

I am wondering if you zarok666 wanna trade COB cup with normal cups, haha:grin:

but yeah...the only bad thing is, that I noticed COB few years later that it would be good....because everything special was sold out before I know them...oh what a shame....:erk:
but I can say I am the greatest fan here in Slovenia...and I wanna be:)

COB are just the best...I wanna collect anything from them....

Zarok choose the cup you want in those for the COB one!!





not a coffee cup but cool stuff anyway heh


s00 cute!