Your DAW machine - Online or Offline?

How do you run your DAW machine?

  • Online (internet)

    Votes: 57 62.0%
  • Offline (no internet)

    Votes: 35 38.0%

  • Total voters


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
Just curious - do you guys keep your DAW machines online or offline? I know that many major studios keep their DAW machines offline, opting to go online with a separate machine, laptop, smartphone, etc. instead. Some don't care or don't see it as a threat. But how about you guys?

I myself actually have my DAW box online, and have had zero problems as a result, but I also make regular backups just in case.

PS - please don't let this deteriorate into a Mac vs. PC war or any other OT stuff, this is purely a thread about usage habits in a platform agnostic, broad-based sense.
Online but it would probably be safer off. My DAW has so much non daw stuff on it its sad.
Main recording computer is still XP service pack one. Hasn't been online in years.

14 running processes. My lappy has like 54.
I've only got one computer, so online :(
Hopefully that situation will change by next year
Even though my machine is dedicated to studio use only, I still keep it online. I do so much transferring around that it would be a real pain otherwise. Plus it is nice to have the internet as reference or for bands to show me sites, band examples, songs etc. Then we can directly listen through the monitors as well without having to do switching and such.

I have noticed more CPU usage, especially with the network card on. But I deal since the convenience is there. Switching network on and off isn't an option either since F'n ToonTrack makes me reauth everything.

I also backup regularly via the network to a NAS. Then I also often connect with Remote Desktop to do stemming and busy work while watching TV on the couch. I can even connect through my firewall many miles away using some SSH and through my Linux box. Only for stemming and busy work where I don't need to hear :) I am still trying to figure out a good way to do that.
I have my MBP online and my PC offline - MBP handles all of my editing/programming work, as well as prepro, mobile tracking, and actually most tracking period these days... I just hate working for longer than I have to in Windows.

I have W7 ready to install once I finish the projects I'm working on now, so we'll see if I get on better with that. It's been REALLY hard not to just buy a 27" iMac, to be honest!
+1. Not really sure which options that entails. Bit of both?

If you're doing a dual partition or other type of dual boot or virtual machine setup, that counts as offline because you are keeping the DAW side offline, and creating at least a pretty secure barrier between both sides.

In other words - your answer should be "offline" if your primary DAW app itself runs inside an offline configuration.
I don't think it matters. I keep mine online, and I use all my computers the same way, except for the low amount of running processes on the DAW to reduce lag.

I'd reconsider my opinion if you were recording/mixing a huge band. In that case you'd rather not have your data compromised - but for a regular band/you? It really doesn't matter if someone gets their hand on the tracks. If they do, you might get some publicity out of it if they take a listen.

The con(s?) in this case just way way way outweigh the pros.
Offline. I don't want to have to be running additional processes (firewall/antivirus, etc.) in the background.
i have a notebook for all my internet and non-music stuff, so the desktop pc get's used for audio purposes only.
works like a charm, i haven't had a single OS crash on my audio pc yet, everything's running smooth as fuck.

seriously, keeping your audio machine offline is the best thing you can do to prevent crashes and help performance.
totally offline
- no local network
- no internet

OS: Win Xp
-> no firewall, no antivirus, slim OS without all the bling bling

system runs stable since 3 years now, (not a single re-setup) its unbelievable how good a computer can work for a long time if you be able to keep all the shit outside

my other computer, that i use for photoshopstuff, internet, itunes, etc.. is a newer machine, but i have to reinstall, once or twice a year to keep the working speed in a good level.
Online, Win 7 64-bit.

I need software updates and drivers online, clients send me files online, I upload files for clients online, etc, and I like to be able to be spontaneous, like check some stuff online, record a little bit, play a game, record some more, etc.

My PC can handle it (i7 w/ 6GB RAM), and I surf sensibly.