YOur Equipment

I'm probably gonna buy a guitar, sometimes, maybe next year or so, but I don't know fuck about guitars..
So does anybody has some recommandations about guitars, which brand,...
Guitars: Jackson dr-x, Yamaha FG-411CE BL, Santana C-102, Landola C-25 (with el.)
Amp: Marshall jcm2000 DSL 201
Morley Bad Horsie, but that's not my own..

Next summer i'll maybe buy new guitar if i get money
My equipment? ALRIGHT

-Fender Squire Guitar
-The amp that came with it that now plays mexican radio stations and no longer works

But ill be getting a marshall amp for christmas and ill be happy :D

Yes, I also know absolutely shit about guitars, and yes I suck at it, but I still like playing. :D
Harley Benton MSF303 (it's a cheap one from Thomann), Marshall G30RCD, Zoom 505 II. These are my first equipment, and if they will not break up or be stolen or something, next guitar will be custom Jackson Warrior and amplifier will be Tech 21 Trademark (60W one perhaps)... But it will take at least three years until I have enough money and skill to have them...:)
most of you guys are gonna crucify me for this but:

WashBurn Dimebag Darrell signature blackjack ( its signed my dimebag on the back of the headstock)
i dont give a fuck about what yall say about pantera, This guitar plays like a fucking dream!

shitty zoom 505 pedal with broken patch pedals
and a gay ass peavy blazer amp

i hope to get a new amp head this X-mas
I have these:

Ibanez Rg320Gp
Jackson Soloist (old one)
Landola Acoustic

Marshall Valvestate 60w
and for singing Marshall Valvestate 15w

Zoom GFX707
Bad Horsie Wah (which I'm trying to sell)
Ibanez Digital Delay

That's all I need for now. I will (maybe) buy a Ibanez 7-string next summer if I'll manage to get enough money.
ive seen a couple of people on this board who play the Jackson
rr-ll is there a site where i can see this guitar ive never seen one before. I have seen the randyrhoads style but never the LL
how does that RandRhoads - Latvala Laiho play? I reallllllly want a new guitar, im looking at Warlocks. But my main objective is a new amp (which is promptly under my tree) since my old one plays classic mexican songs now lol.
My Guitar is Yamaha GRX612S, which is kinda fucked up nowadays. I bought it used 1 year ago and since then, I've totally screwed up the tremolo and sum' other stuff from it. I checked the serial number and found out that its actually over 10 years old... It was a total mistake to buy this, but I couldn't afford a better one back then. Luckily, I have a new Ibanez RG550EX coming in a couple of weeks.

My amp is Fender Princeton 65, gives you reeeealy nice clean sound but the distortion is kinda crappy for metal, it fits best in to sum bluesy-stuff, which I also play sometimes. For metal-kinda sounds I have a distortion pedal called Boss mt2-metalzone, and it really kicks ass when you want some tight, metallic sounds out from your amp. Geddit, now.

In the future i've been planning to buy a wah-pedal, and a bigger amp. Also, a fender stratocaster would be nice for an all-around guitar of some sort. Mabbe a les paul too. And a RR-LL...and an Ibanez Jem and some PRS and and...oh shit, forget it.