Son of The Bitch
It took me months (if not a year) to FULLY appreciate and understand RFO (especially because when i bought it i was not an experienced listener), even though i already liked Mindcrime when i got it. I can't see the lack of critical response that you mention, since it is widely (widely = not UM, especially GMD) considered as one of most important metal albums ever and possibly the most trully progressive one. Mindcrime...was just different, another step to something new and fresh (and yes it was really new and really fresh), but definetely not a regressive one, at least on the musical quality department.
I've never seen a review putting Rage for Order anywhere near Mindcrime. Operation: Mindcrime was utterly regressive, ushering the age of Queensryche adapting to whatever trend happened to be going on.
So I don't fully understand RFO? I've been hearing it now for two years, and having heard Lisa DalBello, Kate Bush, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Joy Division, Killing Joke and Depeche Mode BEFORE I heard Rage For Order sort of helped me in determining the influence and bridges that were being built. It also helped that the lyrics were completely brilliant, bitter sweet melancholy mixed with obsessive yearning. The lyrics to Mindcrime were just a sledgehammer cheeseball musical. The music? An 80's rock revision of songs such as Surgical Strike, Neue Regel, London, The Whisper, NM 16 and Roads to Madness. It is simply not an essential album, not at all.
At any rate, we're not going to agree, so can we at least consent to respect each other's opinions on the matter rather than posting dancing mice?