Honestly, I tried a shitload of different delays one day. Nothing scientific, just listening. I found the actual "delay" to be just that, a delayed copy of the same thing. I felt that it was the "color" that the different plugins had that i was noticing. I haven't tried EchoBoy personally, but im sure the reason people love it is for it's sound. Other things would obviously come in to play such as ease of use, features, and unfortunately appearance. The Waves HDelay has an Analog knob which colors the sound in a quite pleasing way and lets you shape. I found that if i set up a bus with basic stock protools delay followed by some type of coloring, i could achieve a similar delay. Example would be a protools stock digi delay into a distortion plugin, saturation ,massey tapehead, or a slate plugin. Really no rules here. Just another way to achieve a different sounding delay without buying anything. I'm sure most of you have obviously done this, but for others it might not have been so obvious.
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