Your favorite guitarist

Yngwie Malmsteen
Tony MacAlpine
Allan Holdsworth
Shawn Lane
Alexi Laiho
Ritchie Blackmore
Randy Rhoads
Michael Romeo
Sami Virtanen
Al Di Meola
Steve Vai
Paul Gilbert
John Petrucci
Mike Stern
not gonna list why because each guitarist has his own technique that i like but here there are in no order

Dave Mustaine (Megadeth)
Jeff Loomis (Nevermore)
Gary Holt (Exodus)
Jeff Waters (Annihilator)
Marty Friedman (ex-Megadeth, ex-Cacophony, solo)
Jason Becker (ex-Cacophony, solo)
Michael Angelo Batio (ex-Nitro, solo)
Dave Murray (Iron Maiden)
Yngwie Malmsteen (ex-Alcatraz, solo)
In no order (less the first mentioned)

Wolf Hoffmann - the "complete" guitarist. He is a great soloist, great riffmeister, great songwriter, has good stage persona and is a great harmony vocalist.
He "writes" solos as opposed to writing around ways to link his best chops together. His solos have a beginning, climax and ending often times, but not necessarily. His skills are enormous in ALL aspects of being a true professional guitarist.

David Gilmour - Not much shred in this guy (though who knows what he plays at home) but I can't think of one person who can put more technique and subtelty in one note than Mr. Gilmour. He is extremely precise in every note he makes. His compositional skills are also incredible. His solos as well as his rythm guitar work are works of art.

Vito Bratta - Though I have never been very big on hair metal, nor guitarists that seem to take a little too much inspiration from another guitarist, I make exception with him. White Lion was certainly "hair" and Vito definitely graduated with honors from the school of Edward, but Vito had/has what I like to call complete "command" over his instrument. Technical, yet he never struggled. The ease at which he played his guitar let you know he could easily do more. Lots of "out of the box" licks but always done in the right place in a solo. Had he been in a band that would have allowed him more expression, there is no telling what he could have brought to the guitar world.

Akira Takasake - Who said the Japanese are technicians, not artists ? This guy had his own style going in the early/mid 80's and could shred with the best and also play emotic with the best. He was/is a very well rounded guitarist.

Mick Mars - Yes a said Mick Mars, but read before you discredit my reply.... Good ol' Mick is below average as a soloist in my ears, and the only trait he has that is really immediately evident where he is above average is his riffage skills and I think Nikki might be owed some of that credit. What makes him make this list then you might ask ? Three notes........ namely the motorcycle noises in "Kickstart My Heart." Was it a technical feat ? I think if I practiced it, I could stand on one foot, masturbate and play it at the same time. What made it impressive is that I heard just those three notes on the radio (and am not a big fan of the Crue's) and said to myself "that must be the new Motley Crue single." I am jealous as hell. I could ever play three notes and someone would know that was me ? I would be a God whether I was a good soloist or not. I don't know why I recognized that riff as being him, but I can assume style/tone. Still, I don't make a guitar player list anymore without mentioning that.

Jorn Viggo Lofstat - He is the best guitarist I have discovered in the last ten years. I love his style, tone, technical skills etc. He is soooo underrated.

Dimebag - riffmeister extrordinaire, great soloist, and great tone.

I am tired of typing though the lst could continue.

Jaen said:
speed is a manner of expression my friend, but i see where you're coming from.
Yeah, but anybody can train themselves to shred if they practice all the time (though some will certainly have a natural knack for it). Far fewer in number are those who can play with passion.
but what i meant was that, sometimes, some emotions can be expressed with passion throught speed. speed is a tool for expression. unfortunately many people misuse it.
Zakk Wylde - Black label Society.
Kerry King - Slayer
Eddie Van Halen - Van Halen

I rlly like these three. Zakk wylde is insane. He seems to have his own special style of playing, not just in solos but in riffs in all songs. I love how he always throws in vibratos into the riffs of his songs, and his solos are always so fast.
Kerry king is one of my favorites. He usually plays his own unique way, in most slayer songs the song will speed up when the solo comes, and then kerry just goes insane. I also like Eddie van halen, just because of the influence hes had on other guitarist and what he invented in guitar playing.
Chuck Schuldiner R.I.P :worship:
Alexi Laiho

I think I just like the way they use there lead lines, harmony,counterpoints rhtyms and solos to make kick ass music.