Your Favorite Opeth Songs

Everyone posts their top 10 opeth songs (or top 20 even so more songs are included.) And this WILL NOT be a poll - but more along the lines of a POINT system. For every FIRST PLACE song in a members' list, that song will earn 20 points (within a top 20), second place =19 points, third place=18 points and so on and son, you get the idea until last place gets 1 point.

Well let's say after top 3 I will get confused with the 17 other songs left. I don't know where to place them, I don't even know that between Master Apprentices and The Moor (my 3rd and 4th) which one I prefer :hypno: :goggly:
:OMG: Holy fucking shit...I have this sudden urge all of the sudden after reading this thread - to do yet ANOTHER one. The end all, be all of all Opeth threads. I'll be the third person compiling the BEST OPETH song list, haha. The right way.

Man, if anyone thinks this is a great idea, I'd fucking do it because I have a GREAT system.

Here's the idea;

Everyone posts their top 10 opeth songs (or top 20 even so more songs are included.) And this WILL NOT be a poll - but more along the lines of a POINT system. For every FIRST PLACE song in a members' list, that song will earn 20 points (within a top 20), second place =19 points, third place=18 points and so on and son, you get the idea until last place gets 1 point.

At the end of the day, when all the top "whatever" lists are in EVERY song will be tallied up based on this point system and then ALL the songs can be ranked from FAVOURITE song on the board to LEAST FAVE song on the board.

No doubt a database will be needed for this, but man...this would FUCKING rule and I'd KILL to see the end results.

Any feedback to this?

Holy crap, less talk more action! Go for it! I wish we could make it some kind of sticky so it will always be there but I guess that's impossible
Well let's say after top 3 I will get confused with the 17 other songs left. I don't know where to place them, I don't even know that between Master Apprentices and The Moor (my 3rd and 4th) which one I prefer :hypno: :goggly:

:lol: Yup, yup, trust me - totally valid point. This has crossed my mind as well, but you know what? Everyone here almost - almost, can agree to the fact that ALL Opeth songs are practically equal anyway. We all know that, and lets face it - this will only be compiled in "fun."
Have you read Martin Popoff's "The 500 Greatest Heavy Metal albums of all-time" or "The 500 Greatest Metal Songs of all-time?" Can you imagine how hard that must have been for people? In the end, TONS of people worldwide have sent in their lists and/or thoughts on the topic (I bet many still are mind-fucked from their lists). This is kinda where I got the initial idea from anyway.

But even still, I think we'd get a pretty good general idea what most of the opeth listener's here at UM think of their fave Opeth songs. I mean, for me it's be hard to place them in order, but if I'd try I would most definitely come out with an end result - especially for a top 10.

Hibernal Dream: So, really? You think I should go for it?
My favorite songs right now are probably Bleak, When, and Demon Of The Fall.

Well you cant really choose between all of them...