Holy fucking shit...I have this sudden urge all of the sudden after reading this thread - to do yet ANOTHER one. The end all, be all of all Opeth threads. I'll be the third person compiling the BEST OPETH song list, haha. The right way.
Man, if anyone thinks this is a great idea, I'd fucking do it because I have a GREAT system.
Here's the idea;
Everyone posts their top 10 opeth songs (or top 20 even so more songs are included.) And this WILL NOT be a poll - but more along the lines of a POINT system. For every FIRST PLACE song in a members' list, that song will earn 20 points (within a top 20), second place =19 points, third place=18 points and so on and son, you get the idea until last place gets 1 point.
At the end of the day, when all the top "whatever" lists are in EVERY song will be tallied up based on this point system and then ALL the songs can be ranked from FAVOURITE song on the board to LEAST FAVE song on the board.
No doubt a database will be needed for this, but man...this would FUCKING rule and I'd KILL to see the end results.
Any feedback to this?