Your Favorite Riffs


Proceed to Ultraslamming
Feb 10, 2006
Toronto ON
With metal being so riff driven, I'm sure you've all developed some favorites. What they?

Mine are:
The intro riff in Raining Blood - Slayer
The main riff in The Sea Came in at Last - Vader
The intro riff in Sacrifice Unto Sebek - Nile
The intro riff in Roswell 47 - Hypocrisy
The intro riff for 'Downfall'- Children of Bodom
The intro riff for 'Blood Brothers'- Iron Maiden
The intro riff for 'Dance of Death'- Iron Maiden
the first riffs of borknagar "gods of my world" and immortal "solarfall", off the top of my head.



mastodon "trampled under hoof"
forsaken "cold flesh colony"
emperor "depraved"

and pretty much every riff on transilvanian hunger

thats all i can think of atm

double edit: satyricon "dawn of a new age"
Teh Grimarse said:
the first riffs of borknagar "gods of my world" and immortal "solarfall", off the top of my head.



mastodon "trampled under hoof"
forsaken "cold flesh colony"
emperor "depraved"

and pretty much every riff on transilvanian hunger

thats all i can think of atm

You know I'm getting more and more impressed with your taste. We aren't that different afterall.
Destroyer 666-Lone Wolf Winter Lead Guitar at 0:11 seconds
Melvins-Lexicon Devil
Meshuggah-I at 8:44
and many, many others....
Slayer-Raining Blood
Sepultura-Dead Embroynic Cells
Pantera-I'm Broken
Judas Priest-Painkiller
Black Sabbath-Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Sodom-Witching Metal
Kreator-Terrible Cetantity
Machine Head-Daviadian
Metallica-Seek and Destory
Death-Zombie Ritual
Darkthrone-In The Shadow of the Horns
Teh Grimarse said:
the first riffs of borknagar "gods of my world" and immortal "solarfall", off the top of my head.

that's a good riff. my favorite Borknagar riffs will probably be from "Ruins of the Future" and most of the Quintessence album has killer riffage.
Many Metallica, Pantera, and a vast host of others have very good riffs. To pick favorites*...
The bass riff for 45 and 2 by Tool
Man in the Box and Them Bones -- Alice in Chains
Suicide Messiah and Stillborn -- BLS
Iron Man and Paranoid -- Black Sabbath
In Your Face and Sixpounder -- Children of Bodom
Fuck You and Breathing New Life -- Damageplan
Hourglass and Now You've Got Something to Die For -- Lamb of God
Trust and Symphony of Destruction -- Megadeth
Crazy Train, No More Tears, and Perry Mason -- Ozzy Osbourne
Cowboys From Hell and Five Minutes Alone -- Pantera
Destroyer of Senses and The First Noble Truth -- Shadows Fall
Raining Blood -- Slayer
Maniac Dance -- Stratovarius

*Please remember, I am an uneducated dumbass, and these are my personal favorites among what little I know.
The closing riff on "New Kingdom" by Borknagar.
"The Trooper" by Iron FUCKING Maiden
"Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" by Black FUCKING-A-BUBBLES Sabbath (All the riffs in that song, btw)
"Hanger 18" by Megadeth
"Cosmic Keys To My Creations and Times" by Emperor
That's just a select few. If I were to choose all my favorites, this post would get ridiculous.
dark angel-Ancient Inherited Shame-opening riff and middle break
kreator-material world paranoia-last riff
ensiferum-s/t-entire album
metallica - harvester of sorrow
slayer - dead skin mask
opeth - nectar, The night...
MF - evil, coven, sabbath
KD - the family ghoast, abigail
and about 1000 others that i cant be fucked writing