your favorite thrash bands

I've been scouring la red for any samples of that band, and have never found it.

I've never heard Ulysses Siren. :(

*penis shrinks in shame*
crapiest fucking thread in the last 3 weeks.

directed @ the person who orignated this useless turd of a thread:

there are about 30 threads in this forum alone (which excludes all the "official" forums of thrash bands) in the last 3 weeks that have bee about people recommending thrash albums, bands or songs to other people on this board. if you cant find a band that suits your tastes in one of those threads, you are a retard, as all i see is the same fucking bands regurgitated over and over again. like i said in another thread, its not like thrash metal hasnt been around for the last 20 years. how about get a clue and form your own opinion, rather than letting others do it for you. thrash metal isnt exactly about finding the most rewarding music. its about listening to riffs and lyrics you enjoy (which will encompass rhythm) listening to. if you cant figure it out for yourself, you are either deaf, or a posing wanker.

can people stop posting their individual recommend me some thrash threads please. sorry it had to come to this, but im fucking sick of it. everyone who has posted in this thread, including me, is a complete twat for acknowledging its existence.

im pretty tanked at the moment, so i also apologise for incoherence.

once again, shit thread.
just because there isnt a search function, doesn't mean people have a free reign on starting useless / redundant threads. I was a little harsh in my comments last night, as i was smashed and waiting impatiently for a bus, but that doesn't excuse this thread from being totally pointless on a tired subject.

for a good example of similar uselessness on a tired subject please see the LOCKED metallica thread below. i couldnt search for it, but that didnt make it a worthwhile thread.
Who cares if there was a thread. The post is not doing any harm nor taking up the entire front page,etc. It's just a thread. People forget about things talked about or even miss threads.
and you didn't have to post/look in this thread. you saw the title, you were fully aware of the contents inside, and you could've easily just have gone on to the next thread. no worries though.

Get Whiplash.

Power And Pain
Ticket To Mayhem
Insult To Injury
Messages In Blood