Your Favourite Memory at a evergrey gig


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2008
Haha this will be intressting i guess >8D

Well when evergrey performed at kiruna in sweden me and a drunk guy whit the age around 20-27 was headbanging next to me.. so we decided to Start sing the lyrics.... Headbanging, Playing Air guitar and stuff XD

Everyone was all like wtf are they crazy x'D we had a really good time :headbang: ..

He must have been the biggest Evergrey fan i have EVER seen IRL :headbang: ...

and we got to go backstage to =D ... we got tom's,Rikards and Jonas autograph =D

Then we talked abit to Rikard .. we had a great conversation of... Nonsense in guess :rofl:...

What should i say =D Time of my life :headbang:

Let me hear your story :) could be kewl
Just prior to The Inner Circle release, a local station was having an intimate acoustic set with them prior to their show with Children of Bodom and Iced Earth. I got in and got to see some of them perform with a crowd of about 20 people. Afterwards, we got to hang out, take pictures, and buy The Inner Circle prior to its actual release date. It was very similar to the extra tracks features on the digipack version of TIC.
I've yet to see Evergrey, I missed the chance to see them with N*Flaymez and thus far..have not been lucky enough for them to come back. You hear that, Evergrey? COME TO SOUTH FLORIDA, Culture Room or Revolution please!
My favourtie memory was when i heard mark of the triangle live for the first sydney man that gig kicked ass the crowd wasn't that big but that's what made it awesome because all the ppl there were hardcore fans.. :headbang:
I hadn't heard of Evergrey when I went to see James Labrie in London not sure what to expect from the support band.

On came Evergrey :OMG: myself and my friend were instantly blown away and couldn't believe we'd never heard of this amazing band we really got into their set:headbang: and left the gig forever fans of this great band:worship:

So my favourite memory is hearing Evergrey for the first time and being forever changed for the better.
When I saw them live, I still didn't know their songs very well, there were only 2 songs that I really did know well and really liked (unspeakable and obedience), so I was really hoping they'd play them, and when they did play obedience, I was really happy :D
Another cool moment was when Tom threw his pick to the crowd and I caught it :D (Though I ended up giving it to a friend).
I've only seen them once - opening for IE and COB in 2004 in Milwaukee. All I remember is hair flying on stage, and then watching Tom try to play while his hair was wrapped around the neck of the guitar.

Awesome show.
Mine is grabbin' Tom's sister ass when they played here in Gran Canaria. After the incident, I discovered it was her sister when Tom dedicated "I'm Sorry" to his mother and his sister, which were in the crowd. :D
For me it would be the Sweden Rock '06 gig, where I met Jokkmokk for the first time. ;)

But also the gig in Israel last year. Around the third or fourth song I started shouting shit in swedish, and Tom was first like: "What?" And then be went back to the mic and said something like: "There is this guy right here, he came all the way from Sweden." Around then I screamed 'til my voice popped!
I'm new here so Hello!

The Evergrey, COB, and Iced Earth show was the first concert I ever went to. Before the show a friend, my brother and I were speculating on what Evergrey would sound like and we were making jokes saying "EverGAY" and stuff like that (little did I know right?)

We got in the venue and Evergrey literally blew my mind because these guys were headbanging and putting on a fantastic show and they sounded great. So Evergrey was the first band that I saw live and they were the only band so far where a live perfomance made me get into them.
Ah, where to begin?:lol:

I was introduced to EG by a friend, who`s uncle is a long time friend with Mikke Håkanson. So we went to my first EG gig and i were totally blown away! After the show we went to speak with mikke and he introduced us to the rest of the band backstage, they all signed a big Eg poster for me, and i were the happiest guy on earth!:headbang:

After that i have travelled far and wide to see them, and has been very lucky to see them backstage several times, taking pictures and have nice little chat with the guys :kickass They truly are awesome guys!

Last time i saw them i stayed at a hotel nearby the venue, when i was heading for breakfast the day after i arrived with my breakfast board in the hotel breakfast room, There were the whole band eating breakfast. i nearly dropped my board:OMG: hehe... so i sat down on a table beside them:headbang: that is probably one of the funniest memories with EG :lol:
Just prior to The Inner Circle release, a local station was having an intimate acoustic set with them prior to their show with Children of Bodom and Iced Earth. I got in and got to see some of them perform with a crowd of about 20 people. Afterwards, we got to hang out, take pictures, and buy The Inner Circle prior to its actual release date. It was very similar to the extra tracks features on the digipack version of TIC.

You talking about the Cleveland show? I was there- that was great when Tom forgot the words!

Best memory of Evergrey though is when they were playing the BWBK fest back in 03 and we were in a cab coming back from a late night of drinking, and we see Tom being pulled out of a car and put into a wheelchair and I tried to get out and take his pic and the door of the cab was jammed shut. And then we get inside and Tom was being shoved wheelchair and all into an elevator by himself. Wonder where he ended up??? Best part is we asked him about it the next day and he didn't have a clue what we were talking about. Classic.
Hey there!

I'm a newbie so I thought to start off by this topic...

First time I saw Evergrey was back in 2000 during their tour with Kamelot(they were promoting SDT at the time). I went to the gig with a friend of mine and we were really happy cause I'd been listening to them since TDD was out in 98.

It was an amazing gig and the funny thing was that at the time EG were really unknown to the audience so it was basically me and my friend that were shouting and singing the songs. At a point Tom (between serious and funny) shouted "Are we playing for two people?":cool:

Good thing was the the audience woke up but still we ended up with Tom and Dan's guitar picks:heh:

I've seen them 5-6 more times ever since and everyone of them was special for its own reason...aaahh...nice driving back on memory lane!!:)