Your favourite quotes...

the dumbest thing ive ever read:

"Death metal percussionists often add a strict machinism to their work with the alternating full bass hits of oppositional kick drums, creating an undulating wall of sound that conditions listeners to act out the diabolical bidding of the bands and their master, Satan."

this was on the borknagar board in the thread "black metal og satanisme"

its in the first post. the first 5 are in norwegian and its all english after that
"What? Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man's" -Nietzsche

"Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies" -Nietzsche

"Opinions are like assholes, we all have one & we all think ours doesn't stink like shit..."
"I am the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar" - Morrissey

"I was only joking when I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head" - Morrissey

"How can they look into my eyes and still they don't believe me?" - Morrissey

"They can kill one or two roses, but they'll never stop the spring" - Che Guevara

Have more to remember, but now I am in a hurry.

Many are in Portuguese, bit hard for me to translate. Most are from great people like Ayrton Senna, Raul Seixas, Renato Russo, Amyr Klink, Cazuza and some others.
"How can you confirm the truth? The same way you can lie, the person in front of you is also able to think of anything it wants and tell you something different. The truth is out of reach to men" - Annonymus

"I prefer to be this walking metamorphose, than having that old formed opinion about everything" - Raul Seixas (it's not the same thing tranlated to English :Smug: Anyway, Raul has got mush more than this quote... he was a damn genious)

"The only certain in life is that it will come. Anytime, anywhere, in ten minutes or 50 years, nevermind, it will come" - Ayrton Senna (talking about death :cry: )

"A dirge for her, the doubly dead, in that she died so young" - Edgar Allan Poe, Lenore

"I use paitings to turn toughts visible" - René Magritte (damn genious in everything)

Rest is in portuguese (cannot forget Gabriel o Pensador, Zé Maria, Chacrinha, Castro Alves, A. de Azevedo, Augusto dos Anjos, Clarice Lispector...), damn hard to translate with the same impact. Well, wanna good quotes? Take a look at some Bruce Springsteen, Rage Against the Machine, Frank Zappa and The Smiths songs. ;)
I have a couple:

1. Pre-Blown. It's like Pre-Heat. Set it up to blow up. I'm already pre-blown because I'm already hooked up. Don't make no sense don't it? Of course it don't, Dimebonics. -Dimebag Darrell

2. Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most. -Ozzy Osbourne

3. I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kari Rock. I need scissors! 61!! -The crazy Colonel Campbell

NP: Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die