Your favourite quotes...

these are by mohammed saeed al-sahaf, the former iraqi minister of disinformation. also known as baghdad bob or comical ali

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis."

"We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back."

"The authority of the civil defense ... issued a warning to the civilian population not to pick up any of those pencils because they are booby traps," he said, adding that the British and American forces were "immoral mercenaries" and "war criminals" for such behavior. I am not talking about the American people and the British people," he said. "I am talking about those mercenaries. ... They have started throwing those pencils, but they are not pencils, they are booby traps to kill the children."

"Lying is forbidden in Iraq. President Saddam Hussein will tolerate nothing but truthfulness as he is a man of great honor and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to speak freely of the truths evidenced in their eyes and hearts."

"I speak better English than this villain Bush"

"We will kill them all........most of them."

Called Americans and Brits "Tarateer"– In Iraqi slang, Tartoor means a guy full of farts (hot air)

"They will be burnt. We are going to tackle them"

"the insane little dwarf Bush":lol:

"Bush is a very stupid man. The American people are not stupid, they are very clever. I can't understand how such clever people came to elect such a stupid president." - i think he and i actually agree on something

"They are not in Najaf. They are nowhere. They are on the moon. They are snakes in the desert..."

"We are winning!"
I collect quotes, there's so many good ones it's hard to choose. Here's some, mostly from movies, tv and music:

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." -Isaac Asimov

"Cold is Gods way of telling us to burn more catholics" -Aunt Whiteadder (Black Adder II)

"It is said that the civilized man seeks out good and intelligent company, so that by learned discourse, he may rise above the savage, and be closer to God. Personally, however, I like to start the day with a total dickhead to remind me that I'm best." -Black Adder II

"A man may fight for many things, his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on a cheek of a golden child, but personally, I'd mudwrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of french porn." -Black Adder III

"I'm a firm believer of philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule." -Randal Graves (Clerks)

"You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake." -Fight Club

"Robots don't smile because they want to, but because they're programmed to do it, like humans recently." -Ghost in the Shell

"Everyone's got the right to be sucker once or twice, but this here man has lost his count long a go!" -The Black League

"I could almost believe in a miracle... just if I wasn't so goddamn cynical. I could lay my trust on tomorrow, all of this and more if I didn't know better. But I do." -The Black League

"I may be full of crap, but it's SUPERIOR crap." -Tony (

"Mass hysteria! Idolation! Deforestation! Time to get drunk, depressed and suicidal! Yeah! It's like christmas!" -Evil Fanboy (

"If there's anything more important than my ego around here, I want it caught and shot now!" -Zaphod Beeblebrox (Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy)
oh shit you want quotes..........
"man it sucks being me....I got no friends"

"dude pepperoni grows on trees"

"your bad chicken nuggets, your going to the tummy dungeon"
"onion rings not fries, thats my surprise"

"I wonder if predator can see peoples heat from their farts"
"we were seperated at birth, reunited at death"
"why dont you make like joey lawrence and give me some brotherly love"
"what if a predator and a wookie mated, a super race of killers"
"do you know whats better than KfC??? Nothing"
"I wanna put poop in a blender"
"we should all get naked and start peeing on ourselves, and have teams"
"my penis is like a giraffe, it hunts wild buffalo"
"I wish they had deodorant that smelled like fries, I would probably end up eating all my deodorant"
"I dont know how to opperate your oven, its a class 5 device and im not authorized"
"oh man I took a poop this morning and it smelled exactly like wendys....thank you dave thomas"
"if you hear a grinding sound thats my fat friend dying"
"I need a hotdog to cool my nerves"
"stop talking about penises, lets talk about ninjas, tits, and explosions"

thats all i got for now.