Your favs on TGOTE

NFL, Panic, Among The Living, Madhouse, Anthrax, Lone Justice, Deathrider, Metal Thrashing Mad...well it´s like the whole album, isn´t it?
Panic has to be the stand out track. I guess everytime I hear it it keeps sounding better and better. Why doesn't anyone write shit like that anymore?? Lone Justice was a great suprise cuz I never thought it would make it and that was a fav going back to the day. A.I.R. has a soft spot for me cuz that was the first metal song I was ever exposed to and still make me sit in awe as I listen. The whole album is great, but I hope someday Indians die and never comes back. That is one song I would not mind never hearing again. What is it with that song?? I just don't get it.
Steve, you and Justin pretty much started the Lone Justice Posse, did you not:) Anyways, I'd say you guys pretty much got L J single-handedly(oxymoron?) played on part of the last tour thus TGOTE!
Bass Fellow said:
Steve, you and Justin pretty much started the Lone Justice Posse, did you not:) Anyways, I'd say you guys pretty much got L J single-handedly(oxymoron?) played on part of the last tour thus TGOTE!
The Lone Justice craze actually started in Chicago in 1998. Someone who occasionally posts on this board named TooleBox Dan and his friend started taking signs to the shows begging for it.
hard to say ... KIITF is just heavy as fuck and the groove in that song is just boner material! .. AIR Kills ... as does Among and NFL.

But the biggest tease is at the end of NFL with the intro for Time ... god I wish they did that song - I so love that song!!!

Can't wait to get the Euro version with In My World.
In My World and Anthrax both fucking rule. John absolutely kills on this whole album, but as someone else mentioned before, ESPECIALLY on the Fistful Of Metal material...and Anthrax (the song) is no exception! He RULES on it! And In My World, as well. I honestly think In My World should have been on the regular version of the disc instead of...well, nevermind. I like every track so it can't replace anything. Damn, too many minutes for one disc! I bet it was a tough choice for the band too.

I wish Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind would have made it, or at least gets played live. It's not the best song in the world but I just love that riff.
Makes me wonder... perhaps a double disc compilation would've been better ... though cost is a factor ... :|

Now its Dark and I would've loved to have had Medusa too ... oh well.

I am sounding negative coz I shouldn't as this album absolutely KILLS!!!!!! FUCK DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAN ANTHRAX???
The entire album is excellent.

Caught in a Mosh
Be All End All
Belly of the Beast

They're all great. My only gripe is John's energy level in Lone Justice. I think he could've pushed out a few more of the high notes. And he teases us by hitting one towards the end...

Oh, and call me crazy, but I always liked Caught in a Mosh sans solo better...
dutchy said:
next time Bush got to stop with his "1, 2, 3 go"and "yeah yeah yeah's ", sounds pretty stupid!!!
good point dutchy i was going to mention if that irritates anybody else,momd he screams yeah way too much,also here we go and lets go get an honorable mention,while we are on the subject fuck off the only and antisocial chant too,its all too planned out and quite boring,it would go over much better oif he just sang the fucking song.
Today I buy this record, I voted like yours for the songs...and I can't wait!!! AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I never think that are included so many songs from "Fistful..." :yow:
Actually, I like count offs and chants. The one in Caught in a Mosh gets me fucking pumped like nothing else. The one in Metal Thrashing Mad is kinda pointless. The "yeahs" in Among the Living were a bit much. But most of his crazy screaming is great...I just wish a bit more of that energy had gone into Lone Justice. It would've been a standout track...
To sum it up the Fist Full of Metal songs and the P.O.T. songs sound the best. But the whole album is just over the top man. It put the biggest smile on my face to hear Anthrax play like that again. P.O.T. was made for Bush. If he would have sang on that album it would have been 10x heavier.

If I had to pick it would be: Panic, Keep it in the Family and Deathrider. I love them all!!!!!
dutchy said:
danm right!!!! it's boring , it's stupid, it suxx!!!!!!!!!
btw , just got some aussie punk by Freznal Rhomb, sounds like NOFX!!
if u wanna chck out some good aussie metal get an album by alchemist,i recommend lunasphere!
john screaming "yea, yea,yea!" in the intro to Among the Living is a complaint, kinda ruins the beginning of that song for me

i also think SOME parts of some songs might be played a too slow

but i love this album regardless

NFL has one hell of a heavy new intro :grin:
the new intro to Madhouse is sweet too