Your favs on TGOTE

It was amazing to me, but I think Madhouse is one of the best songs on the album. The dorky qualities have been removed and the song soars. The heavier tone reallly gives the oldest songs a big bost (FOM, STD, ATL.) Even after all the bullshit on this board, I was literally amazed how good Lone Justice came out. Originally it was ok at best, but man it really sounds good on the new record. NFL and AIR are really good too.

You know I think they are all fantastic with the exception of Belly of the Beast, Indians, and Be All End All. I don't know what it is about the new version of Belly of the Beast I don't like, but it just doesn't do it for me. Maybe it's the absence of the wind effects and Intro to Reality. I can't put my finger on it. It's too bad too, because that was one of my favorite songs when I first started listening to the band. The version on MOMD wasn't that hot either. Listen the POT version or the live version on Attack of the Killer B's and you'll see what I mean. Be All end All is better than the original, but I think I wanted something more out of that. Just don't ask me what it is. Indians I just can't take seriously anymore in any version. Good riffs and good vocals, but the lyrics reek of bad 80's television or something.

That's all I have to say. I'll give it an 8 out of 10!
Deege said:
In My World and Anthrax both fucking rule. John absolutely kills on this whole album, but as someone else mentioned before, ESPECIALLY on the Fistful Of Metal material...and Anthrax (the song) is no exception! He RULES on it! And In My World, as well. I honestly think In My World should have been on the regular version of the disc instead of...well, nevermind. I like every track so it can't replace anything. Damn, too many minutes for one disc! I bet it was a tough choice for the band too.

I wish Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind would have made it, or at least gets played live. It's not the best song in the world but I just love that riff.

I have the crappy AMERICAN version without In My World and Anthrax on it. Too bad because In My World is my favorite Anthrax song of all time!
Deege said:
In My World and Anthrax both fucking rule. John absolutely kills on this whole album, but as someone else mentioned before, ESPECIALLY on the Fistful Of Metal material...and Anthrax (the song) is no exception! He RULES on it! And In My World, as well. I honestly think In My World should have been on the regular version of the disc instead of...well, nevermind. I like every track so it can't replace anything. Damn, too many minutes for one disc! I bet it was a tough choice for the band too.

I wish Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind would have made it, or at least gets played live. It's not the best song in the world but I just love that riff.

yep, wish the songs that are also on MOMD were bonus tracks