Your first computer memories


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
So, when I was reminiscing today about my first PC. I got it on my birthday on Christmas in 1994. If I recall I think it was 233MHz with 16MB ram. Windows 95. Dial up modem. Built to order by one of those local PC guys who probably charged an arm and a leg back then. I remember installing some Police Quest anthologies on first. Hell, I probably installed a lot of Sierra Online games after that. I remember installing DOS games and staying up late night pixel hunting. Eventually, I had to get a hand me video card from a friend to run some newer stuff. Probably MDK or something. I remember getting internet in '97. Dial up porn. Oh yes, dial up porn. You had to wait for that shit back then. Sometimes, the sound of the modem dialing up haunts my dreams. PssshZzzzzPsssshBuzzzBuzzzEccccck!

Moving on. I got a guitar for my birthday in '97 and immediately go sucked into online tab stuff. I was looking up everything from the old Carcass fansite full of tabs to other places I can't remember. Listening to bands on DigitalDeath and getting sucked into the "sound" fo death metal/melodic death metal/doom etc.. "Micing" up a Crate combo with a cheap Wal-Mart mic and using Cool Edit Pro to try and record anything I could. I remember going onto the old school Roadrunner Records forum and posting how much I loved the solos on Machine Head's "The More Things Change". I honestly doubt I can remember what my login name was back then. ICQ, IRC, all that shit. I had the honies in different states lovin' my screen name. Though, I can't remember that either. I believe I did another upgrade to RAM at some point. An intense 32MB. Oh, and a larger harddrive.

The computer came with me to college which had HIGH SPEED INTERNET!. Which just means Faster Porn! Skipping class to eat Chic Fil-A breakfast, watching FBI Files and Family Feud. Going to the old Meshuggah website and wishing I had a seven string. Finding various bands I liked and emailing their band members, asking gear questions. I vaguely remember getting a hold of somebody in Brutal Truth and them saying something about a Marshall and a Metalzone? Eh, it was yeeeeaaars ago. Installing X-Com: Apocalypse and skipping more class. Took some time off from class yet stayed in the same city and the computer still stayed. So much porn/music/random shit accumulated on it, I don't know how it lasted so long. I believe I was probably up to Windows 98 at some point. I believe the point came in which I had to do a total overhaul and I couldn't really keep adding more shit. Plus, I wanted to play Max Payne 2. So, she had to go. Actually, I think the hard drive died on me....and I wanted to play Max Payne 2. It was a sad time. We had shared so many memories. I grew so much with her/he/she/it/the machine. Never got a virus, or a crash, or a blue screen or anything. Just a "beep" when turned on and whatever band background I had at that time. I wanted to dremel on the side of the case, "RIP: 1994-2003". But, I couldn't bring myself to do I didn't have a dremel. It probably ended up as spare parts for friends somewhere. So now I'm on the computer I got as a hand me down from a fellow computer nerd in 2004. Oh how the time flies.

So, I guess if anybody has other "first PC" stories that would be cool. Notice I said, "PC" as in Personal Computer which can mean operating systems under Apple, Windows or Linux or whatever else is out there. If funny to think how much time is spent on said machines and all that jazz.
How old are you Remo? For some reason I always got the impression you were 30+ (definitely a compliment, don't worry :lol: )

But even though I'm 23, I can do one better - my parents had a fucking Kaypro:


I remember the only game on there was a platforming side-scroller, except that the graphics were composed of nothing but alphanumeric characters; as I recall, you would control an 8, and would have to dodge falling 5's, spinning death-chains of 3's, etc. :lol: Then we got a Swan 386 with Windows 3.0 baby (later updated to 3.1), and I did a ton of DOS gaming on that sucker (fond memories of Kings Quest V, couldn't get ANYWHERE in it without the hint book :lol: ), then had a dude upgrade that computer to a BLAZING FAST Pentium 133 Mhz with probably like 32MB of RAM, a 4x CD-ROM drive, a sound card (HOLY SHIT!! :D), of course the requisite dial-up modem, and a 2 GB hard drive. That thing held us for awhile, until in '99 we got a Gateway with a PIII 500 Mhz and 128 MB of RAM, which I suppose marks my entry into modern computing :lol:
How old are you Remo? For some reason I always got the impression you were 30+ (definitely a compliment, don't worry :lol: )

I'm 29 actually. Though my recent addiction to all and everything to do with Indian food could do me in :lol: And that Kaypro is epic. Reminds me of an early Word Processor.

Oh, and don't get me started on the early years of trying to burn a CD. Shit was wack. :lol:
Remember when AOL came out....and you had to pay for every minute or hour or however long you were on....oh man did my parents hate me during that time
My first PC was a Pentium 166, running Windows 3.1. Eventually my family upgraded to 95, which was the shit, and I got my first real computer game: Warcraft :kickass:
my parents had one of these:


My god it had some fucking awesome games. I also remember the black and white version of Apple's drawing program, where different colors meant only different patterns of black, white or gray. :lol:
My parents' first computer was a 90hz Pentium Packard Bell with a 720MB hard drive and 8MB of RAM, 2x cd drive and a 14.4k modem. I'm pretty sure that company doesn't exist anymore. It was running Windows 3.1 and the first game I ever played was Raptor

I also remember playing the original Need For Speed on floppy disk. I'm pretty sure it cost over $3000. I remember using Prodigy at 9.6k dialup. The first computer we got was bad and we had to take it back and get another.

Haha I even found an article on it just now out of a curious Google search:,4856204

"A while back I decided to investigate life in the high speed lane - to drive the PC equivalent of a nitro methane fueled dragster." Lol that is the first line of the article
my parents had one of these:


My god it had some fucking awesome games. I also remember the black and white version of Apple's drawing program, where different colors meant only different patterns of black, white or gray. :lol:

Your comptuer was a baby scaring costume!
My parents' first computer was a 90hz Pentium Packard Bell with a 720MB hard drive and 8MB of RAM, 2x cd drive and a 14.4k modem. I'm pretty sure that company doesn't exist anymore.

No - but Hewlett Packard and Bell do exist. I haven't read up on them, but I think they were one company back then.
PENTIUMS? PCS? OLD??? Bunch o kids! :p
First computers I remember were the Dragon 32, Atari ST, Sinclair Spectrum and the official Kevin Keegan Grandstand Sports Centre. Sorry, they didnt have pro-tools in those days. :lol: :lol: :lol:

My first pc was a piece of shit 286 that didnt even do proper graphics and you were lucky to get sound out of it. You could play some cool geeky dungeons and dragons type games though!

First computer that did audio applications? A 166 Pentium. It was "custom built" and came with a Soundblaster AWE32 soundcard. I remember messing about with Vienna and being like, WOW! I can sample shit! :lol:
Well, before the 90s, Brazil was much like Cuba - importing stuff was not allowed, so basically we had a lot of crap...the most advanced stuff was the Ataris (and later the 8 bit Nintendo clones) and AMIGAS. wow :ill: IIRC, in 1988 military presidents era was finished, and in 1990, Collor, a president known for saying the tip of his cock was purple-colored changed everything and allowed us half-indians-half-idiots to import all kinds of stuff, including those Reebok Pump shoes, Lada cars and, fuck yeah, computers. My father travelled all the time to the US (he is a pro-photographer, had an agent selling his photos in NY), and on one of those travells, he bought us a notebook, a Librex with a 286 processor, with a 20MB hard disk, and a passive b&w lcd screen. It was awesome - i played Sensible Soccer, Test Drive, Prince of Persia, all those cool games. My next PC was a 486DX2 66mhz, with 4mb of RAM and a 360mb hard disk. This was when i discovered porn, met some girls on IRC, and now i am who i am today :lol:

Btw, it seems everyone's computer story includes porn.
It's writable 'memory' was a fucking audio cassette tape. >_<

Ha! yeah I remember now... We also had a computer called ZX Spectrum, which used tv sets as monitors. Thing also looked pretty gay-ass:


It also used cassettes for memory. It fucking sucked and as far as I can remember it wasn't very good at actually READING the memory in the cassettes. :lol:
My first memory of a computer was being 5 and clicking insanely around my dad's screen and pronouncing the word OK as "ock" whenever I saw it.
It was a 386. I remember playing Test Driver and Strip Poker. At that time I only entered on Windows to use PaintBrush and play SkiFree. Those old pc cases are amazing, with that TURBO button. I wonder if I can still get one to put a superfast computer inside. I would love to have that ultra retro style on my bedroom.

ps: Raptor was awesome, but the "vertical shooter" that I played the most was Tyrian.