Your journey through metal

Most ridiculous oversimplification ever:
Kiss>Motley Crue>Priest, Maiden, etc.>Metallica>Anthrax>Emperor>um, Exhumed?

System of a Down -> Korn/Metallica -> As I Lay Dying/August Burns Red/Lamb Of God -> Veil Of Maya -> The Faceless/Born Of Osiris-> Fellsilent -> Tesseract/Monuments -> Periphery/Animals As Leaders/Cloudkicker/Hacktivist/Uneven Structure/Vildhjarta...
Linkin Park-->System of a Down-->Mastodon-->Metallica-->Megadeth-->More Thrash-->Cannibal Corpse--> More Death Metal-->80s Hardcore Punk-->Napalm Death--> Terrorizer-->More Grind-->Burzum-->More Black Metal
PS1 Videogame Test Drive 5 launched me into metal. There were a bunch of Fear Factory tunes on the soundtrack so I started listening to them.
I remember playing that game as a kid and hearing Genetic Blueprint (New Breed remix). I thought it was bad ass but I didn't bother looking into Fear Factory until many years later. Same goes for CC on Ace Ventura.
I remember my dad warning me of Metal bands like Sepultura who were into witchcraft because of his Catholic upbringing. Of course he didn't have his facts straight and this was before he realized Christianity was a load of shit.
I remember my dad warning me of Metal bands like Sepultura who were into witchcraft because of his Catholic upbringing. Of course he didn't have his facts straight and this was before he realized Christianity was a load of shit.

Sepultura are into witchcraft because of your dad's catholic upbringing? :confused:
No. His upbringing made him say a foolish thing like that. He totally had no idea what he was talking about because, as far as I know, they weren't into witchcraft.

But you are, right? Or was that some egyptian magick? Or voodoo dolls? I don't want to get it wrong as it's an important part of your life..
I started off with Slayer, Megadeth, Testament, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest. Then was on a Pantera kick for awhile. Moved onto Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Carcass, Devourment, Decapitated, Origin. I was literally obsessed with Brutal/Technical Death Metal, slowly but surely moved my way back to thrash such as Annihilator, Nuclear Assault, Forbidden, Onslaught, Vendetta. Ive dabbled in many other subgenres but time and time again Thrash always has been and always will be my favorite :headbang:
death metal- black metal- thrash metal- power metal- folk metal now in sludge crust and stoner metal
I used to listen to bands like the Sword, Quiet Riot, other 80s style metal, including Metallica. But over they years Ive stopped listening to Metallica because they have gotten pretty soft. I still love Iron Maiden, they are the all time greatest. But nowadays I prefer death metal and Slayer. Dethklok, Opeth, Lamb of God, and Slayer and Gojira are my favorite right now.
I guess I went from Sleep/High on Fire to Blut Aus Nord to black metal in general, and have since then stuck my toes out occasionally into death metal and doom metal.
First black sabbath with the song Iron man and Iron maiden with the song Number of the beast. Then little later the whole Number of the beast album. Then Accept with Fast as a Shark... to Metal heart (+ more maiden albums).
Then metallica came along (Ride The Lightning and more...).
And then one glorious day I was introduced to Pantera - and I was home. (Cowboys from Hell...)
At first, at the age of 12 or so I started listening to punk, primarily Ramones, Misfits, Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop, etc., I do not listen to them anymore.

A year later, I accidentally heard Damaged by Black Flag and was really impressed by their music. Since then I was stuck on hardcore for almost 7 years, during which I completely discovered this genre. I must say that I listen to Black Flag, early Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags, Integrity, Cursed, etc. to this day.

Finally came the day when I came across Pantera. This band has changed my music world once and for all. I remember, how Vulgar Display of Power cassette fell into my hands from a friend of my friend who was totally into metal. Afterwards he acquainted me with such bands as Metallica, Motörhead, Black Sabbath, Sepultura, and Slayer.

Actually, I don't like focus narrowly on one style and try to search through different kinds of metal, but nowadays I listen to mostly death, speed, and thrash metal along with aforementioned bands. Pantera is still my main influence and just my all time favorites.

So, I wouldn't call it 'my journey through metal', I'd rather call it 'my journey to metal.'
Whatever was around me (e.g. prog/hard rock, early metal, grunge, some punk) until about 10.

Then bands like Napalm Death, Carcass, Bolt Thrower until I was about 12/13 where I got really into the big second wave BM bands, especially so Darkthrone and Enslaved, and some more melodic shit like Windir, Dark Fortress and Dissection.

Listened almost exclusively to BM/DM until I was 15 or so, then became very 'open minded' to music in general and began to appreciate a bit more doom (though nearly all of the death/black/funeral whatever variety).

By and large I still only care for BM, DM and more extreme doom, in that order of preference. Something like 90% of the metal I listen to is probably BM.

Never really liked heavy metal. Most speed and nearly all power metal irritates me. Only really listen to thrash when exercising and then I like it to be very BM/DM influenced, or in the case of bands like Tormentor, 'proto-BM'.

I like some 'nu-metal', esp. Deftones and a handful of Korn songs, but I got into this after I did extreme metal, and along with bands like A Perfect Circle, Nine Inch Nails and Alice in Chains I've always categorized this in my mind more as rock music than metal.
Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Ted Nugent, 1973 to present.

Slayer, Morbid Angel, Metallica, Death, Possessed, Destruction, Vader, Testament, Grave, Kreator, 1980's to present.

Before metal was Motown from the 60's, my Mom and Dad listened to. And some country music as well. Johnny Cash, Hank Williams Sr., Patsy Cline.