Hmm, very interesting topic here. Downloading is cool for first time fans, and definitely cool for one or two songs as a teaser for an up coming album. Especially when you have a band like mine, where we have 15 minute+ long songs. More than one song is half an album. So it is hard to decide what to put up for free and so forth. We have an album that is finished and haven't even decided on the label, and everyone has the cd already. lol. It's very frustrating and good at the same time, because you want people to purchase cd's and on the other hand, you get to see what people think about the material. Aside from that I think it is wrong. On the money front, yeah money doesn't happen in metal, and especially in this genre, So people should think about that before they download.
I can admit though, that when someone comes over and randomly has a burn of a cd for free, I have taken them. The difference is, I ALWAYS buy the cd if I liked it. That sacred time with the art, lyrics and pics when first listing to a new album is what metal is all about. I don't think other genre's are like that, at least not to this extent!