Your New Year's Party sucked (compared to this)


Rider On The Bonez
Oct 30, 2003
...okay, maybe not ;)... but let's start from the beginning:

Sometimes miracles just happen and that's why I was heading over to Helsinki with Cis to visit nothing less than Helldone. Since I've never been to Finland before, that was also my chance to see at least a bit of that country.
We spent the first two days (friday & saturday) with some sightseeing in Helsinki and at the Tavastia where we saw some great performances by Diablo [of which I never heard before], Cathedral [who surprised me a lot!], Amorphis <3 and Anathema [who played fuckin' two hours and turned everything into a big party]... then the big day came to which we've been really looking forward all the time before.
We got to the club half an hour before the doors were supposed to open and still had to wait quite a long time in a queue that was almost as long as the street. Inside everyone was already pushing and pulling to get in front of the stage when the doors to the hall open. We used that time to surprise the Katz with our appearance, said hello and lateron fought our way through the masses.
No first row for us this time... and I got squeezed between a bunch of drunken finnish guys and the only two other Katatonia fans that I met that evening [as I could tell from the applause, there must have been some more] o_O ... yeah, the show was amazing, 1 hour best music with best sound and best light... and the worst crowd I ever met. The atmosphere reminded me a lot of a funeral with most people frozen and silent. It was just too obvious that not even half of the people were here to see Katatonia. My mood really dropped down as I had some fights with the drunken guys around me and was getting something between upset and sad by the crowd. :/
After the show I met up with Cis again and we headed outside of the hall for a drink [or two... or three...] and it didn't take long until the Katatonias also appeared... so we had the very great pleasure & honour to kick into 2007 with them! :)
It was a really nice time and much fun and I haven't gotten so terribly drunk in ages ... which is why I just remember half of the night clearly :erk: ... But I can definitely say, that I can't imagine any better start into this new year than with such a great band, such great music and such great people. ;D

So I'd like to use this place for a very big THANK YOU to Katatonia & everyone who was there for that awesome, awesome night and special thanks to Cis for the whole trip =)

Hope you other guys had a great new year too (;
so nice for you :)

for me it was going to some kibutz party that played stuff like Skazi :)()..
that got boring very quickly, so I headed off for another kibutz and to chill out at some dude's place with my girl and smoke bongs

but atleast I kissed a girl at midnight

(I think only paradoxile would understand what the hell it is I'm saying here)
@Swany:great way to kickstart 2007 indeed
@Omer: yeah and trance parties on new year's suck
the only girl I kissed on midnight was my mom...would've gone out like I usually do on New Year's to one of my friends house or a nice rock/metal concert but I had tons of homework and so did my friends.

after finnishing my homework at 11 pm I got drunk and stuffed with my family and by 2am I was asleep
because jan 1st is a school day...always have been...damn it!
Cheers Swany and cheers everyone!

Here's my part of the New Year in Helsinki- story:

When I arrived in Finland on Friday afternoon, I found out that my luggage was still in Berlin. Wow. I got apologies, a toothbrush and a cheap white XXL- shirt from the airline. Wow again. Fortunately, Swany and our friendly host helped me out with some things so I survived ;)
Cathedral rocked the first night, they even played the mighty Ebony Tears- serious wow!! The next day, Amorphis played some very good and some rather dull songs, but all in all a good performance. I'm never sure what to expect from Anathema, sometimes love them, sometimes they dissappoint me. In Helsinki they were awesome!!! Great choice of songs, incredible 2 hours playing time, fantastic atmosphere!
Next day- Kataday :) By the way, I got my lost luggage back so I didn't have to wear the pyjamas- like airline shirt at the gig :D Since I'm not really the front row kind of person (too shy and it was crowded anyway ;) ) I left Swany and went a bit up the stairs. I had a perfect view from there, the band sounded great and what else could I do but annoy the Him- fans around me with nasty headbanging, singing along and rocking :headbang: The weirdest moment of the gig was when Jonas announced My Twin and suddenly, everyone in the venue woke up and squeaked as if Katatonia were some chartbreaking boygroup. :zombie: Ok, in Finland they obviously are, but still it was so strange... The setlist was something like that, not really in order:

Soil's Song
Ghost Of The Sun
Tonight's Music
For My Demons
My Twin- squeeeeeeak!

Pretty much the same as on the last gigs but it's always a pleasure to hear these beautiful masterpieces live :worship:
As Swany said, we met all the lovely Kata- guys at (Finnish) midnight and one hour later, we celebrated the new year again (Swedish/ German time). I didn't really get to see anything of Him who played at the beginning of Finnish 2007... well, who cares...
The very nice Anathema people were also still around for the party and later on, I met some other old friend whom I haven't seen for ages- huge surprise!! I almost did not recognize him, my face memory sucks, so I'm glad when other people remember me...:oops:
It was definitely great to be there. Happy New Year to Katatonia!! And also to all you people who weren't there :kickass: :loco: :)
oooh, sounds pretty fucking amazing!
A lot better then my "oh-it's-12-o'-clock-happy-new-year-bro-yeah-whatever" new-year:Smug:
Swany, I hope you didn't emberrass yourself in front of people you wouldnt like to be emberrassed by in the black hole in your memory:rolleyes:
Hehe, I'm sure the two of you rocked for the whole kata-gang here;)
oh the jealousy I have....:)
if only there were a passport for me to have.....
I had a good new out of work at a small party by 11:00....and home by 12:45.....not too eventful or dramatic....but good friends and the most beautiful girl ever were with me that night to start this year of asskicking off right....
hmm....I think I wouldve traded it to be in finland though....:)
man I was sick as hell and didn't get to do jack shit but you go swany and cis sounds like the best new years eva
In a drunken haze I poked some random girl with a fork, twice (that's not a metaphore for sex, unfortunately), and my friend stole a rolling pin from a restaurant for some reason.

So, yeah.
@Cis: Thanx for the list! But didn't they also play "Wealth"? I feel like remembering a "we die, we all" ... ;D

@Vincent: never know :loco: but it's okay with me... I'm still alive *harr*
...okay, maybe not ;)

Well, mine did. I live in Helsinki and I had to fukkin work on new year's eve :cry: And also the previous night, so I couldn't even go and see Anathema. Only good thing was that gig at 30th was broadcasted live over the Internet. So I saw Anathema play that absolutely brilliant 2-hour gig via Internet. But still, it would've been so great to be at Tavastia.
Yeah, my New Year's Eve did pretty much suck compared to that. I went downtown with some friends, saw a lot of girls that were with guys and none that weren't, went through the McDonald's drive-through, then went home and watched Godzilla 2000 (my first movie of 2007, haha). But I did at least get to listen to my Last Song of 2006, which was Jeff Buckley - Forget Her. Reason I chose that song can be deduced from its name.

Meh, oh well. Hopefully this year'll be better than the last, but I don't expect it to be.