your nicknames

fuck A lot os south americans here!!!!!!!!
South american wolrd domination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my nick is a song from krisiun´s unmercyfull order : infected Core

legal q tem argentino aki....ehehehehe
nao tenho nada com os argentinos so contra os filçhos das putas jogadores da seleção argentina de futebol......
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
@kuvazs: dah merda naum po!
uaehuaehuahuaheauh a gente zoa eles, eles chamam a gente de macaquitos eauheauheauhauh tah tudo na boa!

Eagle, please, don't get it wrong, it's just humor :D

Pouta, essa é mó véia:

Um brazuca recém chegado a Buenos Aires entra numa dakelas lojinhas básicas e fala:

- Mandae um pinico, faz favor.

- Pinico? O que é pinico? - pergunta o argentino

- É aquilo lá, ó... - fala o brasileiro direcionando seu dedo indicador ao pequeno objeto.

- Ah... Este no és pinico. - responde ironicamente o argentino - chamamos acá de brasileiro! Que tamanho de brasileiro o señor quer?

E o brasileiro - Me vê aí um que caiba uns cinco argentinos!

how many eagles cabem num brasileiro

Argentina y Brasil en la final del mundial de futbol:
empate 3 a 3
tiempo suplementario
penales de nuevo
resultado final: empate

el referi llama a los capitanes de cada equipo y dice: señores, el que tiene el chorizo mas largo se lleva la copa

Maradona desenfunda y miden: 20cm

Pele desenfunda y miden: 30cm

referi- señores y señores Argentina es campeon del mundo!!!

Pele- porque???

referi- porque dijimos chorizo, no morcilla

ahhhhh! speek english!
mine is from the time when some people used to call me "The Paladin" because of my faith and stuff.

I took it from "Holy Ghost" and just wrote "Dawn" instead of "Holy" cause no one's holy really (only God of course. and Jesus. and the Holy Ghost. not me. not a human being. :p)

so actually this would be what I tried to mean:

Dawn: symbolizes light, good
Ghost: because I am dead to the world

well that's it :p
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
Argentina y Brasil en la final del mundial de futbol:
empate 3 a 3
tiempo suplementario
penales de nuevo
resultado final: empate

el referi llama a los capitanes de cada equipo y dice: señores, el que tiene el chorizo mas largo se lleva la copa

Maradona desenfunda y miden: 20cm

Pele desenfunda y miden: 30cm

referi- señores y señores Argentina es campeon del mundo!!!

Pele- porque???

referi- porque dijimos chorizo, no morcilla


Joo,joo,hauska vitsi :grin:
Perkele teirän kans!
that's cause all the matters that we have to discuss have been discussed already. we are waaaaay ahead of you people.

now all we need to do is take ACTION!

but we are too busy at the moment having HOT, ANGRY LATIN SEX, so world domination is not on our agenda right now. sorry.