Your nicks...


Feb 15, 2002
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.. what do they mean? I noticed some interesting nicknames around here already, Fjelltussa, astarte, phyros, Fleischwolf ( :D ), etc. , but what do they mean or how did it occur that you use them? Any stories connected to them? :)

Ok to make a start: Mine's obviously from some Enslaved song, I thought some time about a nick to use here, normally I'm using a different nick on boards, and I thought it might be good to have some "fresh" one sometime :) I like that song very much, either, and I spent some time pondering it's meaning, until I found one for myself... it kept me pretty busy :)
My nickname is realted to this weird doll I have that is a mouse with wings. I started calling the creature "mousewings", and later applied the name to myself, the "vampire bat". :lol: My name also refers to vampire bats or bats in general. They are like mice (or rats) with wings.

I also used to use my first name as a username, but later got bored and changed it to this. I kinda wanted to use "The ugly mean chickie" as a user name, but no one would believe that I could actually be a nice person if I used that... :)
Starting this November, I will truely become "The Nomad." For work, I will be travelling all over the world. And I expect to be doing that for 5 years or so. Each assignment, I hope, will last between 3-6 months although some may be shorter or longer.

Of the people that are starting on the road this month (new groups are sent out every 6 months) destinations include: the US :bah: , Ghana, Aruba, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Spain, Holland, and India. There are many other spots that we often go to, especially in Southeast Asia.
he, ansuz, woher kommst du eigentlich? deutschland? wo genau??

I've explained my nickname to the nomad by privatemessage before, so i'll just paiste it here:

"fleisch means meat but it also means flesh, so it would translate flesh or meat wolf. the latin name for wolf is canis lups, with canis meaning dog, but carnis meaning flesh.
but in german a fleischwolf is also a device for mincing meat.
so the name could either mean the animal or the device.
aplied to me it reflects my animalistic side(so to say), which means that i love nature and the wilderness. on the other side, the mincing device stands for that i live in a modern world and use modern things, like the computer. quite sophisticated, isn't it? well, to be honest, this all came to my mind over time, at first i just used the name, because it sounded cool."
@Fleischwolf: Me's from the "golden East" of Germany - Dessau, to be exact, that little dot on the map with a sign to it reading "Ass of the world" - well, that's the name it would deserve.... from the fuckin' ashes that are left behind of the GDR, a flock of damned nazis, others do say... it's no fun here at all :(

@Nomad: How comes you are travelling around? What's that work you're doing?

@mousewings: Thanx for clearing the mystery of your nick... bat hehe :) "ugly mean chickie" - that does sound cary :eek: :D
If I am reading Lutz' mind correctly, the name Lutz is derived from some char from a game called... Phantasy star? ;) (You did explain it a long time ago to me I think Lutz... :D Bad memory, maybe)

Ok, I'll see Nomad :)

edit: Damn spelling!!!:mad:
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
If I am reading Lutz' mind correctly, the name Lutz is derived from some char from a game called... Phantasy star? ;) (You did explain it a long time ago to me I think Lutz... :D Bad memory, maybe)

Ok, I'll see Nomad :)

edit: Damn spelling!!!:mad:

Yes, you remember correct :)..
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral

@mousewings: Thanx for clearing the mystery of your nick... bat hehe :) "ugly mean chickie" - that does sound cary :eek: :D

The chickie name is demented; it's from this online cartoon about a psychopathic chicken who runs away from a farm... :lol:
Urm... Well, mine is a "twist" of the nick I use(d)
on mIRC -->Blacksoul. I use Blacksoul cause there
is no room for more letters on the network that I
am usually on. It was an indication of what music
I was into so that people into crappy music, or
didn't have an interest in music at all, wouldn't
message me! >:eek:) And it worked, I only chat with
people who know alot about music :eek:)

Well, I like the sound of Blackspirit, it's more
femalish :eek:) So I started using it more and more
when it came to nicks on sites etc. But it's mostly
taken everywhere. I gave it a chance here and
luckily I got it! >:eek:)

The nick is just a part of me,
since I have used it for so long :eek:)
Hmm.. my nick doesn't really have an interesting explanation: i grew up thinking Astarte was the greek goddess of war... apparently i got confused somewhere 'cause she's actually best known as the goddess of fertility :lol:
She is worshiped by different cultures under different names and she's also called 'the abomination' in the bible ( :confused: )

Anyways, the goddess of war is tr00 ;)
uh, it sounded cool when I thought of it hehe. I was actually listening to CoB a lot and heard red light in my eyes, and just thought that a red light might be the final thing some people see, so i thought of Final_vision. gay story i know hehe

LUTZ! :headbang: I thought of that when i saw your nick, but i wasnt sure hehe, than I saw Dark Force on your avatar! A PHANTASY STAR FAN! :headbang: lol
Melancholia is originally a greek word (i know it is also used in the english language) which means obviously melancholy....

it is me...the way i am....maybe was,since these days i feel life is blooming :) but still ... i feel very melancholic at times..missing sth that is far away... :cry:
Originally posted by Final_Vision

LUTZ! :headbang: I thought of that when i saw your nick, but i wasnt sure hehe, than I saw Dark Force on your avatar! A PHANTASY STAR FAN! :headbang: lol

Phantasy Star rocks my socks :)
Nice to find another fan (I guess :p)!
HellSpawn is taken from the comic book Spawn... as easy as that :D and I'm huge Spawn fan!! and i thought about writing the mane i little different, Hellspawn.. 'cuz then it could be HellSpawn and HellsPawn :) which is a kinda fun difference, and area taken up in the Spawn comic :D
usually I use Nozaki as my nick(on irc and allmost everything else then here:) ) but i felt like using something else in here... and then HellSpawn was a clear choise, or well I tryed to take Grim first('cuz that is what ppl here at my school call me :D ) but that was taken.. so then it fell on HellSpawn...