Your opinion of the greatest piece of music ever created.

Jun 27, 2003
Well, I have seen a bunch of topics on favorite this and that/best this and best that, but I haven't seen one about what people think is the greatest album ever created.

So, go on and share your opinions about this. I want to here them. Please tell why you think it is the best, too. :)
Neurosis - "Sun That Never Sets"

This album is a complete masterpiece, I can't even begin to describe what makes it so good. It is a slow, powerful dirge that manages to pack so much darkness and emotion into its length more than any other cd can ever hope to achieve.

The 13-minute "Falling Unknown" is a total mind-fuck if you listen to it half asleep. Not even GYBE! can match the power of that crescendo.

"Crawl Back In" is another highlight.... this song is so emotional it brought a tear to my eye once for some reason.... I don't know why.... as cryptic as the lyrics are, they just sound so incredible with the music...

The cd is loaded with oppressive and overwhelming darkness with specks of hope scattered here and there.... The final track, "Stones From the Sky" is hopeful sounding.... and at the albums final climax in the song, everything just falls apart and disintegrates into nothing. Incredible.

Neurosis is such and underrated band.... more people need to hear them!!! I recommend this cd to EVERYONE, period. You MUST hear this cd.
That Neurosis cd is indeed good, but the yelled vocals such as at the end to Falling Unknown irritate me at times, I'd give the album an 8 / 10.

My favorite album changes periodically. It was Anathema - Eternity, but I'm tired of that album now. Right now, I have no favorite album.
Right now my absolute favorite album is Hopesfall - The Satellite Years...The melodies created on the guitars are incredible..matched with catchy yet blistering metalcore breakdowns and choruses makes the music outstanding. The singers voice is also incredible..emotion overflowing. It is a poetic piece of work lyrically as well..I really can't get enough of it. This will change eventually..but right now it definitely is up there. Also, I agree on the comments about Neurosis. They're incredible.
I love the last 15 minutes of Alive Again. Shadowland Serenade and Forever and Never just take my breath away. How can I not mention Eternal? That song is very special to me. I just love it's explosive melodies. I also enjoy Guns N' Roses' Estranged. The very emotional melodies and the heartbroken lyrics mesh well together. Like chicken and broth...
For me, it would currently have to be Queensryche's "Operation:Mindcrime". It blew me away when i first heard it from the get-go and at the end of the album, i was speechless for about five minutes.
Wicked Child said:
For me, it would currently have to be Queensryche's "Operation:Mindcrime". It blew me away when i first heard it from the get-go and at the end of the album, i was speechless for about five minutes.

I had that five minutes of speechlessness after I heard that album, but for entirely different reasons. My reason was that it is hard to talk while puking.
Soilent Goat said:
Right now my absolute favorite album is Hopesfall - The Satellite Years...The melodies created on the guitars are incredible..matched with catchy yet blistering metalcore breakdowns and choruses makes the music outstanding. The singers voice is also incredible..emotion overflowing. It is a poetic piece of work lyrically as well..I really can't get enough of it. This will change eventually..but right now it definitely is up there. Also, I agree on the comments about Neurosis. They're incredible.

I couldn't get into that cd, and the main reason is something you commented as a plus, which is the singer. See, I absolutely loved that band before that album came out, their ep in 2002 is probably my favorite metalcore release, especially the song The End of an Era, but they lost their singer on The Satellite Years, and the replacement is MUCH worse, in my opinion. I find myself listening to their debut album and followup ep far more often. If you haven't heard these, you need to fix that quickly as they are much better than The Satellite Years, in my opinion.
Tough to pick one, but as far as masterfull albums cover to cover, I'll have to go with:

AC/DC - Back in Black
Queensryche - O:M
Metal Church - Blessing in Disguise
Dream Theater - Images and Words
Metallica - AJFA
Accept - Metal Heart
Dio - Holy Diver

Danzig II is great.Black Aria is also great.

Tool - Lateralus
AFI - the Art of Drowning
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon

Probably one of these in my opinion.
Beethoven's 9th - definitely a masterpiece! also from Ludwig - Fur Elize, Moonlight Sonata

While were on classical...
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
Tchaikovsky - The Pathetique, Nutcracker Suite
Orff - Carmina Burana
Pachelbel - Canon in 'D'
Bach (the founding father of Prog/Neo Classical) - Focatta and Fugue, and a million others
Rossini - The Thieving Magpie
Handel - The Messiah

Just off the top of my head.
I'm sure I'll think of more later. :D
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Lycanthrope said:
Beethoven's 9th - definitely a masterpiece! also from Ludwig - Fur Elize, Moonlight Sonata

While were on classical...
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
Tchaikovsky - The Pathetique, Nutcracker Suite
Orff - Carmina Burana
Pachelbel - Canon in 'D'
Bach (the founding father of Prog/Neo Classical) - Focatta and Fugue, and a million others
Rossini - The Thieving Magpie
Handel - The Messiah

Just off the top of my head.
I'm sure I'll think of more later. :D

Ok so I cannot argue with that at all Nice Post!!!

Orion Off of master of puppets is the best "Heavy Metal" Peice I have ever heard Its such a Excelent song