Your opinion of the greatest piece of music ever created.

LuminousAether said:
I couldn't get into that cd, and the main reason is something you commented as a plus, which is the singer. See, I absolutely loved that band before that album came out, their ep in 2002 is probably my favorite metalcore release, especially the song The End of an Era, but they lost their singer on The Satellite Years, and the replacement is MUCH worse, in my opinion. I find myself listening to their debut album and followup ep far more often. If you haven't heard these, you need to fix that quickly as they are much better than The Satellite Years, in my opinion.

Yes, I own all of their albums. They're all excellent. This new one I've really enjoyed though. New singer hasn't phased me at all...In fact, I don't see a huge difference. Sorry it wasn't for you.
Hmmm... that's a hard choice, but I'm sure it would be among:

Tool- Lateralus
Opeth- Blackwater Park
Pink Floyd- The Wall
King Crimson- In The Court of the Crimson King
Yes- Fragile
Dream Theater- Images and Words

The greatest piece of music ever created is probably some composition by one of the great classical composers. As for music that I listen to, Suffocation - Pierced From Within and Dying Fetus - Killing On Adrenaline are masterpieces. They are technical, catchy, angry, and heavy as fuck. You don't find all those qualities together very often.
My choices would have to be:

Vehemence - God Was Created
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse, Damnation
Radiohead - Kid A, OK Computer
Death - Individual Thought Patterns
My Dying Bride - TLTS, TAATDR, TDH
Tool - Ænima
Today is The Day - Sadness Will Prevail (Most fucked up/tripped out album ever created)
Dream Theater - Scenes From A Memory
Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare
Porcupine Tree - In Absentia
At The Gates - SotS, WFIKTBD
The Crown - Deathrace King
BloodStainedWalls thanks for the support, where are you from? Feel free to post in our message board.

I am thinking. In no order..

Suffocation-Pierced From Within
Opeth-Blackwater Park
Without Grief-Deflower
Ill Disposed-Kokainium
Dimmu Borgir-Puritanical...
Hmm, I find it interesting that everyone's listed entire albums in response to this. A piece of music doesn't have to be an album; being realistic I find it very difficult (if not impossible) to find an album by any artist that is flawless. As soon as there's a song on an album that doesn't feel quite up there with the rest of them, you've got a flaw in that complete work of art. Now you can offer your flawless albums, but in reality if you come to the crunch and scrutinize all the tracks, there's going to be places and parts that don't strike you as much as the 'best' bits on the album. Thats why I'm going to try to answer this with individual songs as the smallest reducible 'peice' of music, as it allows for less space or time for flaws or weak parts to seep in, and let’s face it, we all find our favourite songs on albums or what we consider to be the strongest cuts.

Amon Amarth - ...And Soon The World Will Cease To Be

Nice progressive edge, bleak and desperate lyrical imagery (all the more apparent with the lush Norse mythology), and the tragic, desperate but futile melodicism to the riffery is amongst the best i've ever heard. I put this track on and I can almost feel the tangible impending doom of, indeed, a world soon to cease being!!! Absolute masterpiece.

That's the track that has possessed me in the last couple of months, but there have been a couple others in the past that I consider masterpieces. As far as being 'the greatest piece of music ever created', erm, well, I wouldn't even venture such an opinion, even given that music is subjective, the question implies too much objectivity that can't be satisfied. I just think metal is a convenient genre to attempt those sorts of replies because of it's potentials for melody, complexity, composition, lyrical prowess etc, I said.
pink floyd - wish you were here

i like their other albums too but that one just has something special about it