Your sig

I explained mine in the puberty disorder thread. It's a quote from an episode of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. In the episode "Chambraigne", Space Ghost is duped into buying a product that is "shampoo for the brain". Believing it is making him smarter, he constantly plugs the product, angering the maker of the product (Carl of the company "Carl and Sons", who is a floating brain) because Space Ghost is obviously a moron and shows that the product doesn't work. Carl and his son travel to the Ghost Planet to confront Space Ghost, who doesn't understand that the product is a placebo, which prompts Carl to say "Can you not comprehend that your ignorance will cause me to explode?" then screams and explodes. I could go into more of the banter they exchange prior to the explosion, but I don't feel like it.

Previously, I had a quote I made up that said, "I'm not the arrogant bastard I seem; I'm some other kind of arrogant bastard."

I may change it again to another Space Ghost quote, or perhaps something from Family Guy.
yeh family guy kicks ass. mine is a snoop dogg quote cuz hes cool. all his songs are about drinkin, smokin weed, and taggin hos. what more could you want?
My original signature was a bunch of random stuff that didn't make any sense,now it's a lyric from CoF's "Malice Through the Looking Glass".I'm thinking of changing my sig to "No one cares,do they?".Does that sound good?
mines, 's just my own..:D
I just have a passion for water, that is where i will be..
I often write things down, i'm not a poet but most of the time, i make something of it.

" now that millions of words are each second spoken,
I wonder why god ever wanted it broken
that wonderful silence, that must have been heard
before the beginning when He spoke the word"
That's John O'Mill, a dutch poet. He mixes dutch and english into some funny stuff, but this is one of his serious poems...and i like it a lot.. ;)

xxx Iris xxx
well...a slightly yet in my opinion greatly 'ahum' modified Nvrmr lyric.
An 'inside' joke which I bet no one else thinks it's funny...the thin line between geniality and funny-farm patient aka Iced Dragon...:cry:
and some very important historic words by Julius Caesar (a great roman comedian...)
