Your Top 2009 releases so far...

A new addition to my '09 favorites:


My Bassist for These Are They used to jam with While Heaven Wept.

I listened to this CD once, it's not bad.
Two new "Top 2009 Release" additions that have my full attention, due to there overwhelming awesomeness...

The 11th Hour - Burden of Grief
A great album, and a huge surprise. Who knew Ed Warby could sing so fucking well? Rogga adds his supreme growls, albeit in a very limited way, but it just adds to the heavy, sad atmosphere of the album so well. The concept surrounding the album (a man dying of lung disease) is perfect for a doom album. This is a Top 10 fo'sho'. Primo excellente!!!

Pelican - What We All Come To Need
Man, this album is blowing me away! I haven't paid attention to them for years, since I was less than impressed by "The Fire In our Throats...", but this is a completely different story. The melodies are superb, the album is not too long and never loses my interest. Some very interesting guitar work throughout. If you haven't heard this yet, I recommend it HIGHLY. This is potential Top 5 material right here...
Alice In Chains will be top ten for me, most likely in the top five. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do, it really surprised me at how good it is.

OK, forgive me for pimping my shit out here for a moment but anyone interested can read my review of the new AIC album over at Metallus Maximus

I'm definitely intrigued. BTW, nice move to not review the new Novembers Doom cd. People may have thought the review to be biased if you had. ;)
Ahh another CD that would be in my Top 5 if a certain magazine still existed...."Night Castle" from Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Oh man does this kick my ass! Right from the minute I hit "Play", it was non-stop greatness. I saw these guys a few years ago, and have been itching to get my hands on this ever since they announced it was being recorded. It's not a Christmas CD, but it's still just as incredible. This would definately be #2 behind INRI.
Larry would also make sure that the right band member would get the credit for the lack of melodic solos on the new album!

ya, that cracked me up, two reviews ive seen have mistaken Vito for the lead guitarist. it probly has something to do with his taste in music seeing as solos are a HUGE part of power metal
This year just feels like such a disappointment. I had high hopes for the new Katatonia but besides a few highlights it's not even that amazing. Right now Hymn to the Immortal Wind is my album of the year, and the last like..10 years all topped that.
My theory on Vito getting all the credit it noone can see Larry standing behind him.
I mean really... half the reviewers ND has been assigned over the years can't be arsed to look at a photo and realize the band isn't Opeth. I'm guessing that spending the 15 seconds on this forum it would take for someone to realize Vito <3s him some poofy shirted Metal would be way too much to ask.
For the record, most of the bands I know of personally who have been played on Headbangers Ball barely make enough money to pay their rent every month. AA are probably doing ok now but certainly not raking in the dough.
In your estimation, are they able to live off the music? I've always been curious what level of success a band needs to reach before they can live off the music.

Btw Paul/Larry/Vito, have you guys been to Kuma's Corner? What do you think the Novembers Doom burger would be like?
We ate there while we were in Chicago. Good place. Good food. Hot waitresses all inked up. Lovely.

Likely to make my Top 20 of 2009 (in alphabetical order)...

Amorphis - Skyforger
Dreadnaught - Dreadnaught
Drudkh - Microcosmos
Fairyland - Score to a New Beginning
Fen - The Malediction Fields
Futures End - Memoirs of a Broken Man
Hypocrisy - A Taste of Extreme Divinity
Isis - Wavering Radiant
Manimal - The Darkest Room
Mastodon - Crack the Skye
My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire
Novembers Doom - Into Night's Requiem Infernal
Pathosray - Sunless Skies
Redemption - Snowfall on Judgement Day
Riverside - Anno Domini High Definition
Rome - Flowers From Exile
Townsend, Devin - Ki
Vader - Necropolis
Voyager - I Am the Revolution
Vreid - Milorg

Still need more time with...

Madder Mortem - Eight Ways
Klabautamann - Merkur
Vader - Necropolis
