Your Top 2009 releases so far...

Just got done listening to the new Woods of Ypres. Pass.

"Life is just pain and piss"? How poetic.

The musical approach, often being minimalistic, leaves the vocals and lyrics front and center. Unfortunately, neither holds up under such a glaring spotlight.

I respect these guys for doing their own thing, and have enjoyed their previous releases. However, this just misses the mark for me.


I like this cd of theirs more than any of their previous stuff, actually.

The lyrics at times can come off as trite or silly, especially when just listening to them in a passing sort of way I suppose. But the more I listened to it the more I got into it and could appreciate the words more. In ways the lyrical approach reminds me of latter day Sentenced, which again was something that people seemed to either love or hate. And overall the songs just stick in my head alot faster and longer than they have in the past, which isn't to say I didn't like their older stuff because I did, very much so. Anyhow, sorry to hear that it didn't strike a chord with you. But I'm enjoying it quite a bit! :kickass:
just litenened to the new these are they, really solid realease, though I dont think its one of my favs of the year. If it had come out last year it probly would have been top ten.
Not sure I quite agree or even understand your comment either, Jason. I don't find anything simple or minimalistic about Nevermore.

Ok, I guess then to each his own, and we should leave it at that.
I am no NEVERMORE hater.
I own about half their catalog.
I just find them to be possibly the most overrated band in the metal underground. I don't agree that they are some ultra-creative and original force to be reckoned with.

No one has to agree with it. Just a personal opinion statement, just like Zod's was about Woods.

It's all good.

Zod - I usually respect your opinions on things, but how can a NEVERMORE fan call ANY musical approach "minimalistic" :lol:
No worries. I can understand you disagreeing with my assessment of WoY as "minimalistic". Some of their songs are anything but. However, it's the more minimalistic songs that turned me off of the disc. That said, why reference Nevermore in regard to minimalism?

Eh, I guess to me personally, I find a lot of Nevermore stuff to sound the same.
Just my opinion.
Also, just chose NM since I knew you were a fan. Just some friendly ball busting.

As I said above, I am not a NM hater, I just don't see in them what many of their fanboys do.
It's cool that you don't like them, that's your business really haha I guess more to the point is just that I'm surprised to hear you describe them that way because if anything, I feel like they're one of the few bands playing that style of music who AREN'T just run of the mill, same ol' stuff you've heard before. Warrel's voice is unique and easily distinguishable (whether you like it or not is another matter), their riffing is quite complex, Van's drums are precise and intricate while still having a distinct groove, and Jeff Loomis is, in my estimation, probably the best lead guitarist in modern metal. He can play almost any style, his playing is clean and yet he can sound totally nasty and abrasive when he wants to, and his playing is also instantly recognizable, which is more than I can say for about 95% of the other metal shredders out there these days. If anything, I fear they've been dreadfully underrated, whereas I've seen other bands (who I won't name) who I think are far more formulaic and typical achieve greater heights than them and it's a shame. That's just my two cents.
It's cool that you don't like them, that's your business really haha I guess more to the point is just that I'm surprised to hear you describe them that way because if anything, I feel like they're one of the few bands playing that style of music who AREN'T just run of the mill, same ol' stuff you've heard before. Warrel's voice is unique and easily distinguishable (whether you like it or not is another matter), their riffing is quite complex, Van's drums are precise and intricate while still having a distinct groove, and Jeff Loomis is, in my estimation, probably the best lead guitarist in modern metal. He can play almost any style, his playing is clean and yet he can sound totally nasty and abrasive when he wants to, and his playing is also instantly recognizable, which is more than I can say for about 95% of the other metal shredders out there these days. If anything, I fear they've been dreadfully underrated, whereas I've seen other bands (who I won't name) who I think are far more formulaic and typical achieve greater heights than them and it's a shame. That's just my two cents.

I agree with this 100%. They are one of the few bands that I like every single one of their albums, and I consider Loomis one of the elite guitarists. Warrels' voice is not for everybody, that's for sure. The thing I like about him is that he wears his heart on his sleeve in the lyrics, kind of like someone else we all know.

As for WoY - I haven't heard the new album, but I'm honestly not in a rush to do so. I have not been able to get into their clean vocals. In truth, the cleans have killed it for me, especially on Woods III. They sound out of tune and just kind of "mailed in". I'm sure I'll check out the new stuff at some point...I just hope there has been some improvement in the singing department. The harsh vox are spot on.
I know that many NM fans think that about them, which is why I said that I don't personally see it or hear it in them.
Maybe their early stuff through Dead Heart in a Dead World.
All I hear throughout that album, to be 100% honest, is a lot of Nu and Industrial influences, which is what led to what is known by many critics of NM as the "Never-Chug".

As I said, I do like and appreciate some.
I just don't find them to be as unique and special as a lot of their hardcore fans do.
wow, I never thought larry would be laying the thunder on you jason, I think we all asumed vito would have that honer.
wow, I never thought larry would be laying the thunder on you jason, I think we all asumed vito would have that honer.

That's perfectly fine.
Sorry, I will always be 100% open and honest on my opinions of all music, even if that opinion is not a popular one.

Larry's response was well received by me, as he fully explained why he disagreed with me. On other forums which I will not name, the standard reply would be, "You are an asshole, Nevermore RULEZ!!!! It is thinking man's metal!!!!"