Your weekend plans?

1. eat and drink
2. go out with some friends
3. masturbation

fucking harvest festival that starts at 4:00... so it will occupy my day considering i'll wake up at 2:00 in the afternoon like every sunday (missing church :(). Behemoth, Unleashed, Nile, Belphegor..etc... hell fucking yeah bitch!

1. watched F1 qualifying
2. went to do some shopping
3. will work on my shagon wagon aka VW Westfalia
4. clean pool
5. visit family and watch videos from euro trip
6. visit a firend on the way back home
7. and maybe big maybe some action at the end although I"ll probably be dead tired by then and rather sleep


1. watch F1 race
2. go play soccer
3. come back and take a dip in the pool
4. cut the fucking gras
5. watch some footall on the tube
6. write a new resume
7. sleep
Celtik were at the Harvest festival? In Paris probably...I was there in Antwerp yesterday. It was brilliant. Behemoth really kicked ass. Nile was also great, of course.
I loved Unleashed's " Death metal victory"!
my plans were to get realy wasted and bang some metal chicks but everyone was working this weekend except for me because they dont have cool jobs that have weekends off like i do. fuckers! so instead i played a bunch of guitar, mastered my instrument and drove around to nowhere just wasting gas and blasting all kinds of metal proving to my pals, spics, and wiggers that metal is way fucking louder and bad ass then rap and techno will ever be!!!!

-666-777- ?

-unleashing the power of wisdom, one day i ride again as a choir of one. that day the world will see the truth and terror is amongst the who dont believe in the reckoning.
@marla- your creepy neighboor guy tole me that you moved to tampa or something for school now. hows that working out for ya? havent seen you in like..... since that manowar show back in the way before time.
you came by my house?

im actually typing a paper right now. the roomates are good people, the food is too. sorority girls are fucking stupid and the nerdy engineers are superior. Lots of nicer, cleaner, non-trailer trash people here, but it is collegetown so there are a billion scensters and tea-sipping faggots. I dont have a car. the mead came out fantastic and i might start up another batch for the holidays. best of all, no justin.
thats it.
I fucking went to a church service today without knowing it...I went to a church to watch my friend play a few songs with one of his bands...I figured they were just using the church for the stage area or something, but then I find out its outside, and I see this fucking altar with a picture of jesus and cross...It was a good laugh though, me and my friend sat through all the prayer and song, and they had everyone try and be so kind, and stuff to try and convert us. Some little kid gave me some little piece of paper with a glass of water drawn on it, and a message saying "Visit someone"...What the fuck? Its supposed to be how you can help someone or something...I dont know. I crumpled it up, and left it on the seat at the end...No praying and shit either...I fucking hated it...I can see why you guys want to slaughter christians...
metal devi said:
Celtik were at the Harvest festival? In Paris probably...I was there in Antwerp yesterday. It was brilliant. Behemoth really kicked ass. Nile was also great, of course.
I loved Unleashed's " Death metal victory"!

yeah i was in the one in Paris. I had already seen Behemoth but they really were the best in that fest. i like the little helmet Nergal put on for the last song (the one from the cover of Demigod) :).
Unleashed i had never seen yet, but before their entrance people were yelling "we want the fat one!" haha, as opposed to "the bear" for Amon Amarth ;)
i thought the band that replaced Hate Eternal was kind of blah.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
you came by my house?

im actually typing a paper right now. the roomates are good people, the food is too. sorority girls are fucking stupid and the nerdy engineers are superior. Lots of nicer, cleaner, non-trailer trash people here, but it is collegetown so there are a billion scensters and tea-sipping faggots. I dont have a car. the mead came out fantastic and i might start up another batch for the holidays. best of all, no justin.
thats it.

I sent you a priv msg did you check it?... since you are in Tampa, maybe we'll see you at the Obituary show this wknd.
Welcome back demonsandlies666.
I went to Autumn War in Orting, Washington. I only got to watch the war this time, but it was pretty cool to watch the bad dudes attack the castle, get hit upon by all sorts of Norsemen, hang with my best friends and take part in all sorts of debauchery (generally behave like a good Norsewoman).