Youtube pissing matches

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I usually just surf Youtube to see the flame wars going on underneath the vids, but man, you guys have to check out the Serb/Croat/Albanian flame wars. This shit is hilarious. Just type in something like SERBIAN MILITARY or Bosnia 1999 or something similar. Man, these people really and truly HATE each other!

They really have a dislike for the US as well, but most of them seem like 12 year old internet warriors without a clue.
haha the site I translate for is the biggest internet news portal in the region, and you can check out the comments on news stories about kosovo too, that shit is funny.

However, it's a respectable site so we read all the comments and print only the ones that are fit for public viewing, but still, it's amazing how these people find the time to write these huges rebuttals to each other and argue on the internets so much.

I get to see all the funny ones though, illiterate Albanians living abroad post hilarious shit.
There was one guy saying how he thought the Serbian Army was invincible because they shot down a US warplane back in '99. It makes you wonder if it's just really strong nationalism, or perhaps some of them don't see the rest of the world, or it could just be pure hatred towards the West.

But man, the Albanians and Serbs really hate each other don't they? There was one Albanian asking for the address of one guy so he could kill him. That's crazy.
90 percent of these people don't live here. It's mostly albanians and serbs who were born in the Diaspora, hardly ever if ever a all visit their homelands, and don't really have anything to connect with their homelands except for hatred for other people. I call them arm chair patriots. Sitting in montana commenting on what Serbia should be doing.

That's why I never hung out with Serbs while in the US until college when there were students coming from Belgrade, most of the US-born Serbs are fucking losers, from my experience (myself excluded :) )
Nah man, anybody with an avatar with someone that looks like Kevin Costner in it is O.K in my book.
I thought this was gonna be a thread about Youtube battles at home. ie. when you and you friend's boredom has gotten to the point that you start looking at Youtube videos, and all of a sudden it turns into a--PISSING MATCH--where everyone tries to outdo the other person with their stupid videos.

I'd just like to say that I've got a few cards up my sleeve, and I always win. ;)
hahah that happens all the time. There's also the winamp pissing match. You invite some friends over for drinks and make a random playlist just to have some music in the background. But as every gets a little drunk they all start wanting to hear certain songs and there's a line in front of the computer of people digging through your hard drive and making their own personal mixtapes and all you here is "play mine next!" and everyone stops talking and the scene ends up being one person air drumming to the song they played and the rest of the people sitting quietly waiting for their song they can air drum to.

I've now learned to put on some music and hide the mouse and keyboard.