YT: Hughes and Kettner Triamp. I'm on a amp-streak!

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
When returning the Road King I borrowed a Hughes and Kettner Triamp from the same guy. Turned out to be pretty cool aswell!

Next up is probably going to be a Framus Cobra that some guy wanted me to record...

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And sounds really good too! I was always curious about H&K. Thanks!
War :headbang: Best riff ever.

Sounds good. Then again you could make a Line 6 spider sound great.
Hughes & Kettner make the best looking amps out there!
Oh, and awesome playing as usual!
I have a Triamp MK2.
Awesome amp indeed.
Does clean, crunch and heavy drive like no other amp.
Really good at all of them.
Channel 3A with all eq at 12o'clock is a great heavy sound.
Being an EL34 head it fills the midrange really well when mixed with 6505 or mesa.
Really curious why you always do these as Youtube vids? I could understand if you were showing how to play a riff/song, but for the most part it seems that it's just you sitting around playing the amp along to your recorded songs...I'm assuming that the tones we are actually hearing are reamped, correct? If this isn't the case, ignore this post. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing the tones you get from all these amps, and you do an excellent job...just don't get the Youtube thing at all. Just seems a bit masturbatory to me.
Really curious why you always do these as Youtube vids? I could understand if you were showing how to play a riff/song, but for the most part it seems that it's just you sitting around playing the amp along to your recorded songs...I'm assuming that the tones we are actually hearing are reamped, correct? If this isn't the case, ignore this post. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing the tones you get from all these amps, and you do an excellent job...just don't get the Youtube thing at all. Just seems a bit masturbatory to me.

The recorded vids are part of the recording. I record both tracks on vid then choose the best one for the actual clip. So no reamping what would be the fun in that. And I why wouldn't I use Youtube? I get fricking 500000 views that's why... Posting an mp3 somewhere that 20 people listens to is great but I think youtube is in serious need of some high quality amp clips. And yeah it's boosting my ego no shit :D
The recorded vids are part of the recording. I record both tracks on vid then choose the best one for the actual clip. So no reamping what would be the fun in that. And I why wouldn't I use Youtube? I get fricking 500000 views that's why... Posting an mp3 somewhere that 20 people listens to is great but I think youtube is in serious need of some high quality amp clips. And yeah it's boosting my ego no shit :D

Gotcha. Like I said, if the playing in the vid is what we're hearing, then I totally understand. Makes it all the more impressive, and I def. agree about YT needing more high quality clips. Sorry if I came across as a douche in the original post...was not the intention.