YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

if Axe-Fx is as good as people say it is then tell me why all the amp sims sound almost identical when played through the same Redwirez IR. (this video was made by me)

Is this video supposed to be demonstrating that all of the amps sound the same, or similar?? I don't get it. I hear massive differences.... so I'm not sure what your point is??

Sorry man... I think your match-eq technique is decent. Don't get me wrong. But I'm massively skeptical of your claims.
Is this video supposed to be demonstrating that all of the amps sound the same, or similar?? I don't get it. I hear massive differences.... so I'm not sure what your point is??

Sorry man... I think your match-eq technique is decent. Don't get me wrong. But I'm massively skeptical of your claims.

+1. These all sound very different, and very good. Nice work on the tones and video!
@clark, if your method would be that awsome, don't you think there would be a one knob waves plugin already doing it?

I wish they did a one knob plugin for that. :D Meanwhile I we have to use iZotope's three knob plugin. ;)

Is this video supposed to be demonstrating that all of the amps sound the same, or similar?? I don't get it. I hear massive differences.... so I'm not sure what your point is??

Sorry man... I think your match-eq technique is decent. Don't get me wrong. But I'm massively skeptical of your claims.

Originally this was made during the time when I liked my Axe-Fx. I made this video so I could find my favorite metal amp sim. Now that I got out of that Axe-Fx hype bubble that most people on the Axe-Fx Forum live in, I can easily state that these amps sound very much alike. It might be the reality though... we guitarists tend to value different amps a whole lot when in reality the cabinet is at least just as important. IMHO I think cabs have a bigger role... this is why match EQ works amazingly well. The only thing that match EQ doesn't pick up is phase issues and even single mics have tiny phase issues.

No need to apologize. I'm giving you guys HD quality proof of my claims very soon. I'm not someone who will trolololololol without backing up my story.
It might be the reality though... we guitarists tend to value different amps a whole lot when in reality the cabinet is at least just as important. IMHO I think cabs have a bigger role... this is why match EQ works amazingly well.

Cabs *do* have a massive impact. But you can't seriously think that with the same cab, any high-gain amp is gonna sound roughly the same. I mean... dude... your video shows exactly the opposite of what you're saying!! I'm a little: :OMG:

Did you ever watch the Premier Guitar 13 High-Gain amps videos? They used an Orange cab in quite a few of them. And the tones were radically different.

*Everything* counts.

Let me say that again.

*EVERYTHING* counts.

The cable will subtly change the tone. The pick will subtly change the tone. The strings will subtly change the tone. The amp, the cab, the guitar, the pickups, the player, the strength with which a string is hit, the electronics in the room that the amp is plugged into, and a ton of other shit I'm not even thinking about.

And all those subtle differences add up to a massive difference.

So no. I don't believe that you can use simple match-eq to accurately copy a tone. There is more to the Kemper than that, and there is more to modelling than that.

I await your proof. Though I'm not even sure what it is that you're trying to prove anymore. Maybe you could clarify?
Right im confused as well.

The video shows different tones and it's supposed to show that they all sound the same? or.. ?

Either way, we need to get some more decent clips again from the lads with their kemper amps!
I'm not going to quote myself... but I guess I have to:

Originally this was made during the time when I liked my Axe-Fx. I made this video so I could find my favorite metal amp sim. Now that I got out of that Axe-Fx hype bubble that most people on the Axe-Fx Forum live in, I can easily state that these amps sound very much alike. It might be the reality though... we guitarists tend to value different amps a whole lot when in reality the cabinet is at least just as important. IMHO I think cabs have a bigger role... this is why match EQ works amazingly well. The only thing that match EQ doesn't pick up is phase issues and even single mics have tiny phase issues.

But this is just off topic. I haven't tried the Kemper so I don't have any clue on how good it is. Just trying to keep things real and a bit sceptical instead of letting the hype win.

Sure you can tell the difference between a Marsha and the 5150 f.ex. but in the end they will all sit in the mix equally well if they are going through the same IR. It's like the IR had 80% of the control of the tone. When I had my Axe-Fx all I did was try to find new IRs from different places. Those made a bigger difference than any new amp sim that was featured.

This is off topic though.
I love how it always has to be a war about everything AND people being experts on something they have never tried. I mean I'm partially contributing to this since I do all those tests.
Bottom line is, there are a couple of products available, suiting some people more than others, producers, live guitarists, hobby guitarists etc. Just get what appeals to you, and pleasures your needs.
I love how it always has to be a war about everything AND people being experts on something they have never tried. I mean I'm partially contributing to this since I do all those tests.
Bottom line is, there are a couple of products available, suiting some people more than others, producers, live guitarists, hobby guitarists etc. Just get what appeals to you, and pleasures your needs.

+ 10000! Master oh master, teach me humility...
Well said Ola.
The one word Ola and I have used as well as dozens of people on the Kemper forum to describe the Kemper is "Fun".
It sounds great, plays great, cool guys on the forum who are willing to share ANY requests for profiles, and it's seriously good fucking fun blasting this toaster.
All the things I want from an audio purchase.
Well said Ola.
The one word Ola and I have used as well as dozens of people on the Kemper forum to describe the Kemper is "Fun".
It sounds great, plays great, cool guys on the forum who are willing to share ANY requests for profiles, and it's seriously good fucking fun blasting this toaster.
All the things I want from an audio purchase.

I love how it always has to be a war about everything AND people being experts on something they have never tried. I mean I'm partially contributing to this since I do all those tests.
Bottom line is, there are a couple of products available, suiting some people more than others, producers, live guitarists, hobby guitarists etc. Just get what appeals to you, and pleasures your needs.

Can I just clarify my statement???

My statement is that there is a lot more going on in the Kemper amp than match-eq'ing ... and match-eq'ing cannot faithfully reproduce an entire guitar tone. It can shape an existing guitar tone into roughly the same frequency spectrum as another... but that isn't the same thing.