YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

Okay, now that we're done reminding people of something everyone here already knows, we can get back to posting moar clips of the Kemper.

Ola, Mr. Hector profile, please!

It's just a bit of perspective whether you know it or not and out of the however many thousand views this post has had I am sure a few still don't have this concept down . (I also enjoy clips of new gear and appreciate the efforts of those posting them :kickass: )
Just took a look at Thomann and the kemper is a lot cheaper than I imagined...would really like to get some quality time with this thing!
Rack version for live seems to be a pretty nice option
Well, I know that when the profiling is done right... It's flawless.

I want one, but I don't have the money for it atm. :)
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As I said it's very nice but I still hear the difference. It's not 100%, very close but not 100%. The real deal had that deeper sound that's the difference between digital and analog.
Of course you could say "yeeee, but in a mix you can't hear the difference!". Right...but why buying an Api preamp or a Spider preamp? The subtle difference between an Api and a Focusrite is not noticeable in a full mix ;)
As I said it's very nice but I still hear the difference. It's not 100%, very close but not 100%. The real deal had that deeper sound that's the difference between digital and analog.
Of course you could say "yeeee, but in a mix you can't hear the difference!". Right...but why buying an Api preamp or a Spider preamp? The subtle difference between an Api and a Focusrite is not noticeable in a full mix ;)

Are you hearing it on the YouTube clips or do you own one? I couldn't hear a difference when I listened in the room with Genelec monitors.

Calling me a liar? ;)
Well this wasn't to surprising seeing Andy commenting my Kemper posts on Facebook:

"All the guitar parts on the new Accept and Testament albums have both been done exclusively using the Kemper for guitar tracking and I've been priveleged enough to be in Andy Sneap's studio whilst some of the guitar tracking was being done. You honestly just cannot tell the difference between the original tube amp/cab/mic setup and the profiled version. "

ah, so it's out now...good.
He told me some time ago,didn't want to share it without his permission though.

I've been talking to the guys at Kemper some time ago....there's no official statement about a rack version yet, and not even anything inofficial...I guess we'll have to wait for the MusikMesse ;)
Well this wasn't to surprising seeing Andy commenting my Kemper posts on Facebook:

"All the guitar parts on the new Accept and Testament albums have both been done exclusively using the Kemper for guitar tracking and I've been priveleged enough to be in Andy Sneap's studio whilst some of the guitar tracking was being done. You honestly just cannot tell the difference between the original tube amp/cab/mic setup and the profiled version. "

Just to clarify, did he mean that the guitars in the album were recorded with Kemper or that he just used it during tracking and reamped them later through real amps?
a thing noone seems to have addressed yet is to question how well the KPA sounds can take eq'ing.
I think it's important to test this since the big weakness of impulses (I know KPA is not exactly the same)
seems to be their ability to take eq'ing well.

by the way, where's unicorn with his impulses that surprised many of us a while back?