YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

Quick question: can you profile an amp with multiple mics? maybe you have to sum them and send back to the kemper?
Jocke, what does it sound like recording direct? Does it capture the mic,cab and power section as well? I'm a little confused, because all the videos I have watched show it just going back into the same cab/ power amp so the mic,cab, power amp simulation must be turned off at that point to get it to sound like the preamp. It is using the amp power section of the amp its profile in your video right?
Are you hearing it on the YouTube clips or do you own one? I couldn't hear a difference when I listened in the room with Genelec monitors.

Calling me a liar? ;)

I don't think he's calling you a liar, but it sounds noticeably different to me also. It sounds quite good and very close, but it doesn't sound 100% the same. Sure, it's just a youtube video, but the quality of the sound is the same for both the amp and the kemper... you can still hear the difference between them when you switch back and forth. The kemper sounds just slightly more scratchy/trebley, not as smooth/deep.

Just to clarify, did he mean that the guitars in the album were recorded with Kemper or that he just used it during tracking and reamped them later through real amps?

The way it was worded makes it sound like it was just used to monitor through while tracking DIs. Still, it does sound good and would be a lot more fun to listen to while tracking than impulse responses.
Yeah, i was confused when u said its like 100 % the same, cuz the kemper sounded a bit more trebley as mentioned before ( or less bass ..). Cant say anything about missing depth, therefore the quality wasn´t good enough ( at least for me... if u have magic ears, fine). Yes, its freaking close as fuck, but not 100 %. I wont say its something u cant fix with some tweaking or eq or something.
Yes, you can. :kickass:


About the difference in sound that you guys heard i am not sure if you were talking about that last Jocke vid. In that case - tho i might be wrong cause im only listening on crappy laptop speakers - but i dont think the difference in sound was like you guys described it because if you noticed the guy with the cam was moving around while Jocke was switching back and forth between both setups?

However the only difference i felt, but then again on my laptop, was from other vids were i felt they were very similar in character but the mids on the kemper sounded a bit more "washy" dono how to explain. But then again until i try one or listen to more stuff i cant tell for sure.

All i know is ive been following this since day one and im pretty psyched.. :kickass:
The difference is very subtle, also in Ola's, videos but in my opinion it's still there. Maybe other tests will clear better how it is accurate. Awesome device anyway.
My point was another.... we accept the subtle differences between a digital amp and the real deal but very often we don't accept the (maybe) more subtle difference between a 300€ 8 channel preamp and a 2000€ 2 channel preamp because "in a full mix it makes the difference".
It's very funny :)
the difference is in the low end, there is a dip at 110 hz of ~ 3 db in the kemper profile. though this could be fixed with the built in eq.
nevertheless all profiles i have tested so far sounded too boomy for my taste.

here is a quick comparison : (jocke, if you want me to delete this, i will of course ;-)! i just cant make any profiles atm...


yes, they sound slightly different, but nothing of any importance in a mix (100hz region is usually cool for standing in front of an amp,
not really useful in a mix. im happy with a little dip there, makes tones sit faster!)
Jocke, what does it sound like recording direct? Does it capture the mic,cab and power section as well? I'm a little confused, because all the videos I have watched show it just going back into the same cab/ power amp so the mic,cab, power amp simulation must be turned off at that point to get it to sound like the preamp. It is using the amp power section of the amp its profile in your video right?

It sounds like a miked amp. In this case EXACTLY like a miked amp.

No, it's direct vs the microphone. That is, the amp is all on it's own and the KPA is direct.

I don't think he's calling you a liar, but it sounds noticeably different to me also. It sounds quite good and very close, but it doesn't sound 100% the same. Sure, it's just a youtube video, but the quality of the sound is the same for both the amp and the kemper... you can still hear the difference between them when you switch back and forth. The kemper sounds just slightly more scratchy/trebley, not as smooth/deep.

Well, it's filmed with an iPad, and the look of my face tells more than the things you think you hear, because if there's any difference it's because of camera movement in the room. I consider myself to have pretty good years, and it was perfect! Ronnie (who filmed it) says the same: exactly the same. No I'm not sponsored by Kemper but yes, this thing managed to do what the video says. 100%. I was there.

but i dont think the difference in sound was like you guys described it because if you noticed the guy with the cam was moving around while Jocke was switching back and forth between both setups?


We profiled the Mark IV too, but that one was different. It sounded good, but different from the original. User error or bugs? No idea.

The recto was a hundred percent accurate in sound and feel. If anyone says anything different, you're calling me a liar. Simple as that. No smiley this time.
I know this probably wouldn't matter in a blind test, but one thing I think I've noticed in the A/B comparisons so far is more low-mid focus on the 'real amp' tones. It feels like the low-mids are somehow creamier, more smeared and saturated, whereas the Kemper appears to have a bit of fizzle happening higher up. Something about the very finer aspects of the tone doesn't seem to be quite 100% there. Once again, this could be my mind playing tricks on me, but I've felt it to be a consistent thing on all the clips posted thus far.

I'll be buying one soon regardless, so I'll be able to check this out for myself. Getting a lot of amps lined up ahead of time for an absolute marathon sampling session at the huge studio I track drums at (big room to avoid modal issues in the low-end of the tone, and comb filtering from walls).

Even with a potential 1 to 5% difference, this unit is just too accurate not to use for jamming, or monitoring tones while tracking guitars. I mean, just the ability to get 'real amp' feel while tracking at low level in a room... amazing. The amount of perspective it would give a guitar player and engineer about the potential of that particular guitar, and how it may sit on the album in the end... invaluable.