YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

Can I just clarify my statement???

My statement is that there is a lot more going on in the Kemper amp than match-eq'ing ... and match-eq'ing cannot faithfully reproduce an entire guitar tone. It can shape an existing guitar tone into roughly the same frequency spectrum as another... but that isn't the same thing.

I agree fully!
I means it's like if you have a recording of my voice and Ermz girly voice, use pitch shifting and match eq them you might get close but still it wont sound the same.
I love how it always has to be a war about everything AND people being experts on something they have never tried. I mean I'm partially contributing to this since I do all those tests.
Bottom line is, there are a couple of products available, suiting some people more than others, producers, live guitarists, hobby guitarists etc. Just get what appeals to you, and pleasures your needs.

I can't understand why people try and tell other people that what they are hearing or feeling is wrong. If someone likes the sound of a amp sim why does someone give a shit! You've got post after post on youtube, "this amp way better than that amp, this sounds so much better that that" and that just amps. It goes on and on about everything! Phones, computers, music, gaming consoles, tv's, religion and so on. They will even argue about what brand tube sounds WAYYYY better in which socket, for years on end. Sometimes I just want to tell the internet to shutup!!!!
I agree fully!
I means it's like if you have a recording of my voice and Ermz girly voice, use pitch shifting and match eq them you might get close but still it wont sound the same.

Yeah. Whereas if you put a mic on your mouth, whilst Ermz pounds you in the throat with his lung-buster, and then do an A/B with that through the Kemper, it'll probably be really close!!

I can't understand why people try and tell other people that what they are hearing or feeling is wrong. If someone likes the sound of a amp sim why does someone give a shit! You've got post after post on youtube, "this amp way better than that amp, this sounds so much better that that" and that just amps. It goes on and on about everything! Phones, computers, music, gaming consoles, tv's, religion and so on. They will even argue about what brand tube sounds WAYYYY better in which socket, for years on end. Sometimes I just want to tell the internet to shutup!!!!

Dude, you are simply so wrong :lol:
I can't understand why people try and tell other people that what they are hearing or feeling is wrong. If someone likes the sound of a amp sim why does someone give a shit! You've got post after post on youtube, "this amp way better than that amp, this sounds so much better that that" and that just amps. It goes on and on about everything! Phones, computers, music, gaming consoles, tv's, religion and so on. They will even argue about what brand tube sounds WAYYYY better in which socket, for years on end. Sometimes I just want to tell the internet to shutup!!!!

Well something I found out pretty fast with my videos is that I can NEVER please everyone. So I just keep doing my thing instead. Reading comments doesn't do much for me... There will always be hate!
Usually the hate, or rather fostering discussion, is a good thing. Means you've got people thinking and caring about what you're doing. Besides, everybody with ears already knows the Hector clip was the best :D
Well this wasn't to surprising seeing Andy commenting my Kemper posts on Facebook:

"All the guitar parts on the new Accept and Testament albums have both been done exclusively using the Kemper for guitar tracking and I've been priveleged enough to be in Andy Sneap's studio whilst some of the guitar tracking was being done. You honestly just cannot tell the difference between the original tube amp/cab/mic setup and the profiled version. "
Right, now lets see how much people are convinced all of the sudden ;)

nah, it's cool.. did not know Andy uses it though, it's just such a great solution.
Yeah, and I didn't mean to start arguing about this stuff. In other words I was just saying that right now I feel like there will be a lot of hype just like there was back when Axe-Fx came out. Still it's very rare to see professional musicians using Axe-Fx for anything else than effects. People might be saying that there's no need for real amps anymore since we have these profiles etc. In all honestly we all need to give this 6 months and wait for the honey moon phase to end.

I don't have experience with the Kemper, so I don't know how it works. If it really can copy the "FEEL" of these amps then that's extremely convincing. Making Kemper sound like a certain tone... well to me that just seems very easy to do and it's not new technology in any way. And about match EQ... I know I talk about it a lot. I know people are sick of hearing about it. But I've seen it in countless blind folded tests that people can't hear a difference. And I don't mean to bash Kemper here but match EQ gets a closer tone than the profiler based on the clips I've seen on YouTube.

I'd love to show you guys what I mean! Can someone post a DI-signal and a reamped signal (with a real amp) to me and I can put you guys to the test? I'd love to see how it turns out. :)

In all honestly I almost bought a Kemper from Thomann but based on these clips I didn't go for it. You don't have to agree with me. I'm just letting you guys know my opinion.
Here is the truth
Average amp average pick ups + Guthrie G will sound fucking great because the most important thing in the chain is the player . Shit riff shit player great gear = who gives a fuck . The clips that most get a boner for tend to be the ones that are made by guys who fucking rip whether that be metal , jazz or any genre . IMO the ear will be far more forgiving if the fundimental music is good . All this gear is only as good as the user KPA , Axe fx or real tube amp .
Here is the truth
Average amp average pick ups + Guthrie G will sound fucking great because the most important thing in the chain is the player . Shit riff shit player great gear = who gives a fuck . The clips that most get a boner for tend to be the ones that are made by guys who fucking rip whether that be metal , jazz or any genre . IMO the ear will be far more forgiving if the fundimental music is good . All this gear is only as good as the user KPA , Axe fx or real tube amp .

I thought proper playing technique was a no brainer. :lol: Personally... I think people that can't play tight and have strong opinions on tone are phonies or "posers". F.ex. "The Tone King" with all his amp demos. You can't make any decisions based on his videos. The man can't play an open chord right so how can you hear the growl of an amp?

But I think this is off topic. This is a post that comes up every now and then in tone threads. Tone threads are about tone, not playing technique.
I thought proper playing technique was a no brainer. :lol: Personally... I think people that can't play tight and have strong opinions on tone are phonies or "posers". F.ex. "The Tone King" with all his amp demos. You can't make any decisions based on his videos. The man can't play an open chord right so how can you hear the growl of an amp?

But I think this is off topic. This is a post that comes up every now and then in tone threads. Tone threads are about tone, not playing technique.

Your right it is a bit off topic but it's the truth and it's good to remind people now and then .