YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

But EQs can be described with normal impulse responses also.
The exciting thing about kemper is that it can sample high distortion.

I'm a bit surprised that with some tests like f.e with my cab modeling shootouts people were really anal about the slightest differences. And now the Kemper samples an amp and is audible different but no one cares about that difference suddenly :)

Don't get me wrong I also think its pretty amazing, because of the possibillity to sample the high distortion which has never been achieved before.

Well any changes that are apparent are the sort that you can obviously EQ out using even the onboard EQ on the Kemper itself. The important thing is that you, as you say, it can model the characteristics of the distortion in a way that isn't static sounding and actually sounds realistic - and thats where traditional amp sims have always fallen short.
I think Ola could do that. I don't have a DAR yet. Paying customers first! :)

I will however profile my TGM-AxeFX-plus-outboard patch I have. Just for fun of course. :) Oh yeah, I'll definitively profile my goto Bass patches, with UAD EQ and compression. Just to see how close it gets.

Imagine to profile not only the guitar gear, but the enhancing outboards/DAW eqs signal chain. HELL YEAH! :yow:yeah:loco:f**k:yow:hahaha:hotjump:brainmelt

Well I don't have one either :D And the proto is nowhere to be found...
Has anyone seen whats going on between the kemper and fractal forums? Its merry hell lol!

It's just stupid.
Kemper raised the bar, AxeFX has to do better (and I'm sure they will) to compete. The customer is getting better sounds. The "mine is bigger or better than yours" attitude is just silly.
The funniest thing ever! The Axe FX II gets a profiling algo, too. :D

Did Cliff profile the Kemper math? :popcorn:
The funny thing is that when the Kemper first came out Cliff was understating it's accuracy and questioning Kemper's methods on the Axe-Fx forum. I simply asked him if he had some intel on how the Kemper works or was he simply bashing the competitor on his own forum for business related reasons. 2min later I got a ban warning for disrespecting him publicly. Okay I wasn't this nice with my words and I'll admit I had it coming but still if Axe-Fx is getting a profiling algorithm... :D Well... it seems a bit ironic to me.
Didnt like the Kemper sound in all the videos at all, but i guess it really lies in the eyes or workflow of the beholder if the kemper is the right way to go.

Just an addendum: for my ears live sound and studio sound are 2 completely different topics, therefore the argument of taking your studio sound live turns me more away than onto the amp ....
The funny thing is that when the Kemper first came out Cliff was understating it's accuracy and questioning Kemper's methods on the Axe-Fx forum. I simply asked him if he had some intel on how the Kemper works or was he simply bashing the competitor on his own forum for business related reasons. 2min later I got a ban warning for disrespecting him publicly. Okay I wasn't this nice with my words and I'll admit I had it coming but still if Axe-Fx is getting a profiling algorithm... :D Well... it seems a bit ironic to me.

I've seen a few mentions of that Cliff guy acting like a douche. It's a shame when it happens, but DSP geeks rarely have the social skills required to communicate properly with other people.

Like I said I was quite sharp with my words but IMO he was clearly bashing Kemper before he had ever seen/heard what it was all about. I didn't think that was cool of him to do that publicly.

The sad part is that now that he has a personal conflict with me I don't want an Axe-Fx. All I see in that box is that guys face. :D Basically I think you should never be rude to customers.
The funny thing is that when the Kemper first came out Cliff was understating it's accuracy and questioning Kemper's methods on the Axe-Fx forum. I simply asked him if he had some intel on how the Kemper works or was he simply bashing the competitor on his own forum for business related reasons. 2min later I got a ban warning for disrespecting him publicly. Okay I wasn't this nice with my words and I'll admit I had it coming but still if Axe-Fx is getting a profiling algorithm... :D Well... it seems a bit ironic to me.

His social skills and marketing skills are "incomplete" :D

But i am looking forward to the kemper 19" and Ola's first mix! :hotjump: :Smokedev:
Thanks man, can't wait to try it.

So, can the Kemper model cabinets only? That would be a dream come true.

same thoughts here. just calling kemper and trying to get some info.
i still do not like the idea of amp profiling but being able to capture cabs
would be so damn great.

imagine a rack unit that can be used direct to combine it with a digital preamp, or the possibility to upgrade with a power soak so you could just hook your favorite amps to it.

this would be so much better than just
create/download thousands of profiles that still won't do it at the end ;)
ola - have you tried the spdif input for reamping ? whenever i load up a preset, first 10 seconds i get a little crackle with every profile...
might be because of the spdif. or its a firmware problem..
will profile the diezel hagen next week through my ssl eqs and marshall 75 ! cant wait to hear that !
Why can't I ever get a Recto to be that tight? In the first video without a boost it's tighter than my Recto is boosted. Even running some of your DIs through it I can't get it to be that tight unless I roll the tone way up on my OD808.
I should've said 350 amps just to make people understand I was joking... I'm learning every day :)

its just that...nothing would surprise me atm...... ( also i just wanted a confirmation cuz i facepalmed at someone that srsly believed u´d make it ... and i didnt wanna feel stupid if u did :D)