hmm is this a new feature!?
actually i am sure when the torpedo unit came
out a few years ago that it was IR based only,
i'll check it out!![]()
It's always been this way

And in the new firmware they're gonna implement poweramp sims also (which is already in the software + VM-202 versions).
Check out their official website, there is everything you need to know there.
Their website/communication used to suck, but now they're top notch IMO.
The Torpedo has a "Torpedo Capture" thing also, dedicated to making an "advanced IR" (means it's in between a "good ol' IR" and a "Torpedo IR") capture of your own cab/mic/miking.
EDIT : official website :
They've come a long way with their product lines (VB-101, VM-202, Torpedo Live, Torpedo C.A.B, software versions...) and updates also (new features, algorithm improvements, CPU load improvements for software versions, loads of new cab sims...).
i asked a guy eho owns the unit, it's not possible to profile the box only (such a shame),
that's why i am a bit sceptical.
i mean you can profile an amp+box and separate/switch them aftwewards
but you can't just profile the box (thinking about sending the profiling signal to a poweramp that's connected to a box) WTF!?
I don't see your problem here... As long as you can separate/switch them afterwards... Why would you care if it also profiles the amp (in addition to the box which is what you seem to be only interested in here) at the same time ?
I'm happy with my current rig, but i'm very curious to see how this Kemper thing is gonna turn out ! This is a very exciting device.