YT: Kemper Profiling Amp - Rectifier

hmm is this a new feature!?
actually i am sure when the torpedo unit came
out a few years ago that it was IR based only,
i'll check it out! :)

It's always been this way :)
And in the new firmware they're gonna implement poweramp sims also (which is already in the software + VM-202 versions).
Check out their official website, there is everything you need to know there.
Their website/communication used to suck, but now they're top notch IMO.

The Torpedo has a "Torpedo Capture" thing also, dedicated to making an "advanced IR" (means it's in between a "good ol' IR" and a "Torpedo IR") capture of your own cab/mic/miking.

EDIT : official website :

They've come a long way with their product lines (VB-101, VM-202, Torpedo Live, Torpedo C.A.B, software versions...) and updates also (new features, algorithm improvements, CPU load improvements for software versions, loads of new cab sims...).

i asked a guy eho owns the unit, it's not possible to profile the box only (such a shame :D),
that's why i am a bit sceptical.

i mean you can profile an amp+box and separate/switch them aftwewards
but you can't just profile the box (thinking about sending the profiling signal to a poweramp that's connected to a box) WTF!?

I don't see your problem here... As long as you can separate/switch them afterwards... Why would you care if it also profiles the amp (in addition to the box which is what you seem to be only interested in here) at the same time ?

I'm happy with my current rig, but i'm very curious to see how this Kemper thing is gonna turn out ! This is a very exciting device.
I don't think that a Kemper will actually replace a good AE. It's one thing to use presets but I know a lot of bands who want to record real stuff. Especially when it comes down to recording real drums, a good engineer is and will allways be necessary. My 2 cents. Oh, and that thing sounds close (maybe the best yet!) but not the same IMO.
I don't think that a Kemper will actually replace a good AE. It's one thing to use presets but I know a lot of bands who want to record real stuff. Especially when it comes down to recording real drums, a good engineer is and will allways be necessary. My 2 cents. Oh, and that thing sounds close (maybe the best yet!) but not the same IMO.

Nobody said it would replace a good AE :)

As for every device with presets, it's gonna sound different depending on what's in the signal chain before (player, pick, guitar, strings, pups...) and after, plus it's tweakable, so i don't see how it's that much different to use say 4 different real amp heads with different cabs/mics (or even impulses for that matter), and the Kemper thing with the profiles of those amps/cabs/mics.

It's just a tool and ear/experience/performance will still be key with this.

I can see how people would get similar-sounding results using drums VSTis (since the signal chain is MIDI file A -> "virtual" drummer B in studio C tracked by engineer D and mixed by E), but one has seen that with guitar/bass no one ever gets the same tone using the same preset, so people end up tweaking their guitar settings to match their own playing/style/guitar/pick/strings/pups.

There will always be real analog amp heads anyway, and i think both (real analog amp heads, and profiling amps/modding devices a la AxeFX) can coexist.
No, but someone said that he's a little scared about how everything is getting easier. Maybe I'm naiv but I'm looking forward to my future as an AE and I'm not scared that I won't have any clients because they can do everything at home. This maybe right for particular genres but most punk, hardcore and rockbands around here want real stuff on their album.
No, but someone said that he's a little scared about how everything is getting easier. Maybe I'm naiv but I'm looking forward to my future as an AE and I'm not scared that I won't have any clients because they can do everything at home. This maybe right for particular genres but most punk, hardcore and rockbands around here want real stuff on their album.

I think things are not getting easier but more accessible, and in the end you still need to be a badass to deliver something great, be it the old-school way or the new-school way (means with "accessible" tools such as bedroom studios stuff : VSTis, ampsims, impulses...). It seems easier/more accessible to reach a decent result using the new-school way, BUT it also seems you get even better results (and more fun) working the old-school way. See all those from this forum formerly working totally in the box, and now fiddling with outboard and/or analog gear and stuff (doing real miking in real rooms) and seeing the benefits of it.
Ola, tell please one thing - it's feel like real amp? Becasue I read about issues with latency, because of which there is no feeling of real amp.
I think sooner or later there is no need for analog gear anymore (except for good pre's and converters) because the difference won't be audible at all. Outboard will become antiquarianism IMHO. That does not mean that it's easier to mix a good album. We'll see :D
I think sooner or later there is no need for analog gear anymore (except for good pre's and converters) because the difference won't be audible at all. Outboard will become antiquarianism IMHO. That does not mean that it's easier to mix a good album. We'll see :D

thing is, as soon as everyone starts sounding the same, the next big thing will be how to go about sounding different and engineers will always have a use for that.

i think its a good thing that eventually people will be striving to make new kinds of sounds, new kinds of music etc.
imho a great production is not about the sound, but the feel it delivers. people dont care. presets wont give you any feel.
producing even engineering is art. sure, everyone can produce their stuff at home.
and sure it might sound pretty good. but how does it feel? how does podfarm feel?
how does ez drummer feel?

just because you OWN a guitar doesnt make you a great guitar player. just because you have a voice,
your not a great singer.

btw. have the kemper amp for 2 weeks now and i really love it! olas new tone is way better than his first patch imho.
cant wait to get my own profiles with this!
imho a great production is not about the sound, but the feel it delivers. people dont care. presets wont give you any feel.
producing even engineering is art. sure, everyone can produce their stuff at home.
and sure it might sound pretty good. but how does it feel? how does podfarm feel?
how does ez drummer feel?

just because you OWN a guitar doesnt make you a great guitar player. just because you have a voice,
your not a great singer.

btw. have the kemper amp for 2 weeks now and i really love it! olas new tone is way better than his first patch imho.
cant wait to get my own profiles with this!

Well said Dan!
cant wait to get my own profiles with this!

And also share them ;)
+1 well said.

The same old crap was said with digital cameras.
The same old crap was said with video editing software.

Yes, they have have ups and downs in their fields, but the people with real talent embraced the technology and got even better.
More and more people sound like my dad on here, wishing all innovations stopped after the 70's
People saying it sounds digital and whatever.... are clearly just butt hurt. It may sound a hair different, but lets move on here, this is an amazing product. And even though the real thing may sound "better" I predicts the only thing amps will be used for in the next 3 years is for profiling. I know a lot of composers that are so stoked to be downsizing and getting rid of 5 unnecessary pcs to get the job done.
I'm really keen to hear more mix-clips. While the a/b comparisons next to actual amps have impressed a lot, I've yet to hear an impressive full-mix clip! That's usually been the make or break point for emulations in the past.
Here's a short clip I composed for my band's next album done with the Kemper. I used two profiles for the rythms. One of my trusty old 5150 and one Mesa Triple Rec I profiled of a band that I worked with in the studio. Lead is done with a Soldano SlO profile which is pretty much stock from the Kemper. Just applied some delay.Done at home on my ancient laptop with the "great" M-Box Mini Converters.
I haven't used the Kemper yet on a real production but I'll be tracking with it soon and am really looking forward to it.
What I noticed even at home via headphones when trying around with it is when applying EQ to those Kemper tracks they just feel like an amp - not as stiff or static like a Pod for example which is pretty much "uneqable" if you get what I am saying....I think it's something with harmonic structure of the distortion which just feels right with the Kemper and wrong with any other ampsim/modeler I've tried. Like I said - the Kemper is the first of the lot that I don't have any doubt featuring in a regular album production.

Anyhow, here:

All the Best,

OK, I am not looking forward to this post because I hate to say something negative but that last video titled "Kemper Profiling Amplifier - Metal" sounds aweful.
Don't get me wrong, I love Ola's playing and I am sure the Kemper is awesome and also the future , but the guitar sound in the video I mentioned is completely unacceptable. I know that Ola said that it was not about the tone , it was just a demonstration of the unit , but it was not even close to good. That song that Ola played is a song that Ola kindly provided the DI's to all of us here on the sneap forum, so we all know how good it should sound. I would really like to hear that song played through the Kemper with a decent tone before I can truly accept that the Kemper is awesome.
Have to agree, really didn't like the sound in that video at all. Came as a surprise because the rest of Ola's Kemper vids so far have really impressed with their sounds; that one just... nah.
It's how Ola dialed it. Don't think it has so much to do with the Kemper itself. The tone is pretty bad, but on the very least, it feels livelier than any pod tone I've heard.

@Ola: Is it true that you already sold your Axe2? ( "Will not happen. I sold the Axe Fx 2 today... " by Ola on YT) Or just kidding? :confused: